7/17/2005 c1 blah
good job...
good job...
7/7/2005 c1 purplePatterns
Whoa.. me like a lot! **Drools**
Whoa.. me like a lot! **Drools**
5/28/2005 c1 misunderstood
an expeariance close to my own, i have thoughts that are like yours, however my poems etc are to much inside my own mind to share. well done
an expeariance close to my own, i have thoughts that are like yours, however my poems etc are to much inside my own mind to share. well done
2/12/2005 c1 Out-Of-Reality
Oh, the all famous voices. You took a topic that a lot of people use and made it your own. I liked it!
Oh, the all famous voices. You took a topic that a lot of people use and made it your own. I liked it!
10/11/2004 c1 127Eirien
Disturbing and powerful, gripping indeed. The way you work with short vs. long lines and the ending are especially effective.
Reviews like that by Raindrops make me aggressive - why don't you delete it? Because the worst thing you could do to that person is leave that review on, letting readers deduce that person's character from that? ;-)
Disturbing and powerful, gripping indeed. The way you work with short vs. long lines and the ending are especially effective.
Reviews like that by Raindrops make me aggressive - why don't you delete it? Because the worst thing you could do to that person is leave that review on, letting readers deduce that person's character from that? ;-)
10/3/2004 c1 7Syns
I'd say I relate, but that'd be predictable and pitiful... so in the end, 'Well done' comes to mind once again...
I'd say I relate, but that'd be predictable and pitiful... so in the end, 'Well done' comes to mind once again...
10/2/2004 c1 Raindrops
Dude i seriously think your crazy are you on pills? i bet you are i bet you've been thinking about killing yourself huh! I bet your just another creepy gothic probably mexican! I'm right huh oh and by the way your work SUCKS!
Dude i seriously think your crazy are you on pills? i bet you are i bet you've been thinking about killing yourself huh! I bet your just another creepy gothic probably mexican! I'm right huh oh and by the way your work SUCKS!