Just In
for Manda Rider 4: Secrets and Lies

1/2/2005 c22 1Elly Alma
These stories remind me of Nancy Drew mysteries. Except much more fun and a lot more romance in between the lines.

I bet I know who the murder is. It's the maid. It's always the maid.( Ahaha. No. Just joking) But Angela seems a little fishy... Continue to write! I want to know who it is! =)
1/2/2005 c22 Silver Phoenix11
Oh, my! I get a bad feeling about the cliffhanger. Who did it? Was it the maid? And what kind of talk Michael wanted to do with Manda? Update soon!
12/25/2004 c20 Silver Phoenix11
Oh, my. Lots and lots of action. Someone's really mad at our heroine. I hope she didn't get hurt from the bomb blast.
12/25/2004 c1 3vampindelibleink
Well written, good hook to end this chapter on.
12/11/2004 c17 73aims80
Love this so far, keep up the good work.
12/5/2004 c17 Silver Phoenix11
uh-oh, a cliffhanger! things aren't going great between them. I hope you're not thinking of breaking them up! *sob*
11/28/2004 c1 1Elly Alma
I've just finished reading the Manda Rider series and have fallen completely in love with it. I'm a sap for stories with action and romance happening all at the same time.

I like how you build Manda and Michael's relationship chapter by chapter. You postpone the relationship all the readers want the partners to have. Your characters are described well.

I'm going to add you to my fav. authors list, if that's fine with you. Keep writing!
11/22/2004 c15 Silver Phoenix11
*sigh* He's so sweet. both of them should get together ;) Heh, the plot's getting thicker!
11/18/2004 c3 la-locita321
i like it so far
11/14/2004 c13 Silver Phoenix11
Great chapters! I can understand why Manda didn't want to get married or fall in love, but I hope that wouldn't stop Michael from changing her mind.
post more!
11/7/2004 c11 Silver Phoenix11
What a twist! I didn't expect that. I really feel sorry for Michael.
Great chapter. please update soon!
10/31/2004 c9 Silver Phoenix11
Sorry for the lack of reviews. I couldn't stop reading from the first chapter. wow. wow. things are getting complicated now that Angela is you-know-what... and now she's accused of a murder. yikes!
I can't wait for the next chapter!
10/31/2004 c1 Silver Phoenix11
Hey, you already started on the fourth book! you're continuing with the Angela angle which you didn't resolve on the last book.
10/31/2004 c9 10Chelwad
Yay.. more chapters! I really don't like Angela.. I'm glad you're still updatin'.. keep up the good writing :D
10/24/2004 c6 Chelwad
I'm glad to see you've got the fourth story up! It's started out pretty good and I hope you get around to updating again soon :D
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