Just In
for Breathing Life Into a Statue

5/22/2019 c7 Guest
This story could easily have over 2,000 reviews...if only Dylan's POV is written in 3rd party
9/3/2015 c1 I.U.C
Best story I ever read! I was literally crying in the end. Loads of luv to u! U r amazing...I am inspired by you.
12/18/2014 c1 Kalift
Read this about an year ago when I first joined Fictionpress. Loved the character dynamics, the story progression and that ending.

This story and another one are the main reasons nowadays I genuinely read Fictionpress.
8/21/2014 c7 luzanima
I really started to feel sad for Adrienne in this chapter...especially the part about the illustration? She's growing on me as a character.
4/7/2014 c21 Jess
Cutest story ever! I love it! Thanks so much for writing such an amazing story! :-)
4/7/2014 c19 Jess
you're an awesome writer! I love this story to death! :-)
4/7/2014 c18 Jess
I love this chapter, its amazing! the last paragraph is perfect :-)
4/7/2014 c15 Jess
Aw, this was so sad! But I LOVE IT!
4/7/2014 c12 Jess
Aw, your poor thumb! You're an awesum writer for having updated anyway.
P.S.- love your story, it's amazing :D And Adrienne is endearing in this chapter :-)
2/6/2014 c22 2bubublacz
Oh I so love your story! I can't believe that I was holding back tears! I really love this fluffy story of yours! Just wanted to say when I was in my 2nd grade we danced to Jump for a playground demonstration. LOL! That song is not appropriate for 2nd graders! Hahaha!
2/6/2014 c20 bubublacz
Aw Shucks! I love that last linee!
2/6/2014 c19 bubublacz
Oh Lord! I'm stopping my tears from leaking :D *sob*
2/6/2014 c14 bubublacz
2/6/2014 c7 bubublacz
You know what she's so cute :D and i think that they're perfect for each other 3
2/6/2014 c5 bubublacz
Oh lol! You sure can write one heck of a funny story! I keep telling myself to stop reading on since I've got a quiz tomorrow. But this story is just so dam fun and gooooddd!
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