Just In

12/22/2005 c1 KaTz-ChAn
I'm having doubts if Kei is really serious with Hitomi...but anways, you need to update more chapters, I acn't wait on the next chapter! Will Ryou die because of Hitomi? It all lies in the writer's hand ^_^
12/13/2005 c20 2Praetorian6
Hey, I'm proud to know that such a great writer is a Filipino!
12/12/2005 c20 1x revolution
okay. i love you. i hate that ryou's hurt but that was good. ryou is awesome. yuuichi is cool too, but ryou and hitomi are awesome. i just wonder whats going to happen next. bye.
12/9/2005 c20 hipeepslol
I love your story! You really have a good way to keep us readers wanting more, but we're all desperate to read the next chapter...please update soon!
12/5/2005 c20 3Toshi-San

Such a suspenseful ending. The cliffhanger. -tries to form words- I really must commend you though. I can easily picture the characters in my mind, even hear their voices. You've done an incredible job capturing the essence of all your characters through your writing. -fangirl squeal- Next chapter please! xD And once again, nice job. ;D
11/26/2005 c20 10Johana
Wonderful story you have here :) Very enjoyable and suspenseful. I look forward to your next update :)
11/25/2005 c20 1Love Lulu
AH! He saved her! He saved her! And possibly killed himself in the process! Ay dios mio!

And you...::slitted eyes::...you have the GALL to end the chapter there! I mean, okay, a great suspenseful moment to leave the readers hanging and more likely to read the next chapter but MY GOD! How cruel of you!

::deep breath:: okay, okay, I guess that doesn't make much sense, right? I guess my writer and reader sides are conflicting each other and taking it out on you...sorry. Okay, well now, everything looked pretty good: grammer and what not looked good, (sorry, I can't stand reading bad grammer) and like I said, suspense really nicely put. And the kiss...so, the great godly Kei has finally locked lips with little Hitomi...notice the background squealing from my fellow fangirls. And Ryou's usual mysterious air...or just plain bitchiness. Then you go and throw out that rash act of his. Yah, I'd definitely give this chapter a solid A. Like the grade? I knew you would. Now PLEASE! Update again soon! This is getting to be as addictive as Korean soap operas!

Love always,Lulu
11/22/2005 c20 18pinkfluffyoranges
oh dear god this is so sad. i hope you update soon and if you have killed him off il be oh so very pissed!
11/20/2005 c20 2mtf
omg! ah! i wanna know what happens! please update soon! this is such a great story! _
11/20/2005 c20 23libbie larue
O.O EVIL! Update soon...very soon...or else...
11/19/2005 c20 9soulful-angel
gasp... this story i really good.. i reccomend it to everyone in fiction press... wow.. you're good... hnn... you're good... this chapter is amazing.. i like your writing style! write faster
11/19/2005 c20 49Siberian-Tigress
Oh, no! I need to know what happens!
11/18/2005 c20 9ApplesOfDyscord
0.0 OMG! This is such a awesome story! You are a gifted talented writer! I literally got drawn into the story and I felt like I was Hitomi while I was reading. I can not WAIT for the next chapter to come out.

Your newest fan

11/18/2005 c20 21Shojogurl
AH! NO! RYOU! How could you! Pleez update soon!Thanx!~*Shojogurl*~
11/17/2005 c20 1a473
Oh yikes! Just when you thought the situation couldn't get any worse... Poor Ryou! I liked this chapter a lot- I thought for sure Ryou would catch Kei and Hitomi in the act. I feel sorry for Yuuichi, he seems very outspoken. I hope you update soon!

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