Just In

11/6/2005 c19 2pink-writer
aww, Ryou-kun made Hitomi-chan cry... Bad Ryou, BAD! XD

Anyway, great chapter! Although Ryou acts like a complete ass most (or probably all) of the time, I still think he cares for Hitomi-chan... *fangirl squeel* ^^;

Well, I'll be waiting for the next chapter! I haven't found any errors in this one so it's really great! Good job! ^_^

-Mimi out!
11/6/2005 c19 21Shojogurl
AW! Pleez update soon!Thanx~*Shojogurl*~
11/6/2005 c19 xbluxmoonx
Aww, this was a really good chapter. I mean, a really good chapter. I hope you update soon cause this is going great!

11/6/2005 c19 7ziggy pop eno
yay, new chapter! I like the drama! I still think Ryou secretly cares for her...he's just too much of a hard ass to admit it. continue, i love it!
11/3/2005 c18 CHIZUMI
Awesome chapter me love it awesome job XD
11/2/2005 c18 21Shojogurl
Pleez update soon!Thanx~*Shojogurl*~
10/30/2005 c18 Oona-ee
yeh! you finally updated! great chapter! now.. update quicker! x].. lol.. jk.. take all the time you need..
10/23/2005 c18 1a473
Oh, cute chapter. So about the promise between Kei and Hitomi- they just keeping Kei's confession (of sorts) to themselves, right? Hitomi actually hasn't said anything back yet... right? O.o I should pay closer attention. I love Shiine's character, very realistic and comical at the same time. I hope you can update soon.


ever free
10/23/2005 c18 52Liviania
Physics... (My personal experience in it is limited to this: Never take it when the teacher is incompent but assigns AP level homework where you have to find the answer within 1%. Physics is not designed to be self-taught.)

Anyway, nice chaper. The ending was cute-Hitomi confusing those girls was well done, and her last line was a terrific close.

10/23/2005 c18 2Pyro Fang
Awesome story! Keep writing! If you don't update soon, I might have to strangle you ^-^
10/23/2005 c14 9soulful-angel
Wow... this is really good. this could be on of the best manga stories in fic press. i really liked it! you're writing style is is great and easy to read and understand. i could tell you were a girl and your age would be around hitomi's age(19?)i wanna reccomend that you read this online comic about a girl and a visual kei band too^^ (go to onlinecomics.net and look for a manga titled The Way To your heart) I Love your lyrics so sadistic. Do you compose songs cuz if you do ...that would be really cool!(i compose too- not very nice yet) Also recommend you buty the manga called "The Wallflower" by Tomoko Hayakawa published by Del Rey. (there's four hot guys which reminds me of Kaine) will continue reading! ganbatte! write more!
10/22/2005 c18 xbluxmoonx
Aww, awesome chapter! Ooh, is Blitz and Kaine gonna compete? GASP, is Ryou jealous? GASP! Heheheheh, hope you update soon!

10/21/2005 c18 2Aharah Musici
KYA you're back!SUGOIH*jumps up and down and spins all around*
10/21/2005 c18 2mtf
awesomeness stuff! _
10/21/2005 c18 17Ebony Glasse
yeah! finally an update! ^_^ love it! keep it up.!
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