Just In

7/20/2005 c15 Oona-ee
i just spent the whole day reading your story, and it ROCKS!.. i LOVE it!.. i hope you update soon! :]
7/19/2005 c15 karin
is this keixhitomi? i like ryou better than kei. i think kei's too much of a flirt. oh well.
7/18/2005 c15 52Liviania
Note: I was right about that line. Every time I see it in my review history I crack up.

Great chapter! It moved along excellently... I know how Hitomi felt-my period loves to come early or late, so I'm not prepared with pads or pain pills.

7/17/2005 c15 xbluxmoonx
Aww, this is a really good chapter. It's so great you updated! Yay! I hope you update soon! Keep it up, this is getting better and better!

7/17/2005 c15 BabyGooGoo2
nice nice
7/17/2005 c15 21Shojogurl
Pleez update soon!Thanx~*Shojogurl*~
7/16/2005 c15 9Ms.Julia
aw yay for Kei!... damn Ryu suxs anyway!.. *chants* yay for Kei! damn Ryu suxs anyway!... ahem.. *cough* anways.. lol I love your story, please continue soon kay? YAY! anyways talk to ya at your next update (soon rite *wink, wink* lol).. ciao!
7/16/2005 c15 17Ebony Glasse
7/16/2005 c15 1Katsui Adonis
GOSH. I sure hope something happens between Hitomi and Kei.
6/28/2005 c14 2Demonic Silver Rose
This story is awsome. I love visual Kei and all that stuff. Please update soon! Can't wait for the next chapter!~
6/17/2005 c14 7ziggy pop eno
I love it! I just found this, and it rocks. There need to be more visual-rock stories! Al the characters are very interesting, and I'm curious to see how our heroine deals with all these changes. Continue soon!
6/16/2005 c14 xbluxmoonx
Eh! This is so funny! Chh, i dunno what else to sya, but your story is hilarious! Keep up the great work and update soon! Oh, and just curious cause i'm thinking about doing a manga story. I was wondering how you got to know all htose japanese phrases? did you just know them in the first place or did you go somewhere to find out? Just curious! Ok, update soon!

6/15/2005 c11 xbluxmoonx
This was a great chapter! I don't know any japanese words other than thank you, yes, no and well, that's it. so, what does 'kei clothes' mean? cause you said they were crossdressers and all. ANywho...
6/15/2005 c14 21Shojogurl
pweez update soon!Thanx~*Shojogurl*~
6/15/2005 c14 1a473
Once again Ryou is the awesomest character in this fic! Great chapter too. Please update soon
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