Just In
for The Awoken Few

12/19/2004 c1 79INTP
Well, that about sums up every human on the face of the planet who think their ideas are the only right ones. Creepy way you've portrayed that. And how those who call themselves the "awoken few" think they are enlightened. I think exposing people who think in this elitist fashion is best done the way you have done it: using their rhetoric against them. "Righteousness," indeed. I just can't get over how well this is done. The whole repetition of the word "equal" works perfectly-showing that they think some are more equal than others (an Orwellian homage if ever I saw one).
11/26/2004 c1 2Tink II
I'm Sorry I didn't realize you didn't mean to insult me. my apoligizes for the misundertanding. good luck with your writting.
10/30/2004 c1 5On Mercury
Interesting poem, very good. Liked the repitition of the word truth.
Saw you review that weirdo's essay...who was it...oh yeah. "Hypocrisy In Society" by Pickle Of Doom. My review along same lines, except I pretty much ranted. Ah well. Agreed with you. Controlled yourself a bit better than I did!
Anyway, great poem, makes you think.
(If you're gonna review me back, please don't look at To Boy, it is CRAP. Thank you. Not necessary to review back, by the way)

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