Just In
for Caustic Touch Burning

2/6/2005 c1 6Yole
This is very good, I'm happy you're writing the story of Illkitt's life.I just thought that I should tell you that you have the lyrics wrong for Lullaby- The Cure. It's supposed to be /'Be still, be calm, be quiet now, my precious boy, don't struggle like that or I will only love you more'/, not /'Be still, be calm, be quiet now, my precious boy, don't struggle like that or I will only want you more'/. Although, you might have put want instead of love as the lyrics because it goes better with the story. Please continue writing.

"If you win getting through the Shoikon Grove, I will I will give you a toad flavvored lollipop, so you can lick the toad, without actually licking the toad!"
1/31/2005 c7 nadannuthin
No cliffhanger, bad cliffhanger. GR. You really can't help feeling pity for Illkitt. In the original second part, everyone just figured that he was just WAY fucked up from all the trauma in his life, but now that your eye is on him every moment, you really get to see the repition and the neverending cycle of pain that is just so hard for Kitt to break, and you feel pity for him. (That was a really bad run-on!) " It was like being young again." That line just pulled me in and made me really sad. DCJ, you made me SAD! *tears* Just joshin...I can't wait for the next chapter (I've truely become a part of the ricki series cult...I have the first official doujin page from RSR for you that I'll send soon, look for it! ^_^)
1/29/2005 c7 NightmareWolf00
-=smirks=- Marilyn Manson and The Cure. Nice. Very nice.

I don't really have anything to say now. -=cough=- I'll be looking for updates. I think I'll go scan some of your other stuff.

1/29/2005 c6 NightmareWolf00
-=sigh=- I don't see how anyone could be that way to thier own kid. But, it happens. -=cough=- I know. Anyhow, it gets worse and worse for poor Illkitt. What's his breaking point? He's been through to much.
1/29/2005 c5 NightmareWolf00
Heya. Aww, a dedication to me. -=feels special=- I'll always feel sorry for Illkitt, I think. He's such an awesome character. Sorry not to review earlier. My computer is still down.
1/23/2005 c7 sulleby
update i say. x_x
1/23/2005 c7 Cyn
I can't wait to read Illkit's view on his and Ricki's breakup. Please UPDATE.
1/21/2005 c7 rachel
i would hardly call that cliffhanger boring. great job as usual!
1/19/2005 c5 1ashmael
"In the end, they might be fucking his body, but he was fucking their mind." I can't even begin to say how BRILLIANT that line is. That's one of the most lasting and expressive lines I've ever heard. Great job on this chapter. -Rae
1/17/2005 c6 Lexx
Please update. I was really sorry to see that Ricki and Illkitt's relationship didn't work out. I'd very much like for Kitt to have a happy ending just as Ricki did
1/13/2005 c6 insane-hunter
O_O That story was totally awesome dude! Great character you got there! I could almost relate to it ¬.¬ Well, go on update it friggin' soon hun! ^^
1/12/2005 c6 sulleby
=/le sad.but so le good.
1/11/2005 c6 rachel
have I mentioned how easy you make writing look? words flow most seamlessly from you. love this chap. love all the chaps. love you too.
1/2/2005 c5 rachel
great chap. as usual. this just get better and better!
12/27/2004 c4 7Nightmare Wolf
This is good, because I was always curious about what Illkitt was thinking at certain times, and Razor Bones Shredding didn't give so much of his POV, so yeah...I'm ramblnig. I'll be waiting for your next chapter. You don't really need to be told the story is good. That's a given.

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