Just In
for Caustic Touch Burning

12/27/2004 c3 7Nightmare Wolf
Hmm... I don't really have anything to say. Maybe next chapter. I do so love the story,though.
12/27/2004 c2 Nightmare Wolf
Aw, the endings to your chapters aren't bad. :P I don't think Illkitt is going to get his happy ending, is he? -=cocks head to the side=- Is this going to continue until the time after Ricki and Desty meet Illkitt?
12/27/2004 c1 Nightmare Wolf
Eh, I'll review each chapter as I read,I think. I feel so bad for Illkitt, In the second part, he was actually my favourite character for an odd reason. Ah...the angst. I'm not an angst fanm, but I'm hooked on your stories.

12/24/2004 c4 faking effing artsy
dude.i need more.i'm a junkie.and illkitt is my heroin
12/21/2004 c1 3Leo Eigenmann
I would recommend you to read Asterixia's novel "Wings of Freedom", a fantasy/Angst story about an abused son's general who falls in love with an angel-like being, a member of a hunted race. The story tells about violent rapes and gay sex. Nothing for me, but since the author is my friend, I would recommend it here. Your story also shows suffering, which is not the stuff I am in to but I would still say that this is well-written.
12/10/2004 c4 rachel
sweet sweet chapie. write more, yes? love you lots
11/24/2004 c3 redredredred
really good, wow i just read all of the parts for this series and it's 2 AM and i still have a lot of work to do... just goes to show how engaging your characters/plots are! in this part, are we gonna see Ricki and Desty again? that would be cool! good luck on the next part!
11/22/2004 c3 KaiJessamyne
Heya Bern. God story. And quit eating elbows! It's not good for you!
11/20/2004 c3 9Drizzle

you. are. amazing. (the fic too ~.^)
11/20/2004 c3 Kittiminx
Are we reading? Are we liking? Are we reading Eboys? You have got to be kidding me? what's with the rethorical questions? but if you must know the answers are: Yes; Yes; and Yes. Very much indeed. And screw the blocks we hate those.. all of us who write, hope you get out of them soon. And I like... So... More? :D
11/16/2004 c2 21SunMoonAndSpoon
You my friend, are god. It is not fair of you to hoard so much talent.
11/15/2004 c2 2Koril Dragonic
Poor little Illkitt, filled with so much suffering... I don't care if people think your stories seem unrealistic, things like this really happen, and people really do grow up this way in the real world.
Things like this make me glad I've grown up jaded and bi-polar, rather than ending up like so many others...
11/11/2004 c2 kenny
lovely story,you should've gone into more detail about how he was getting fucked.after all that little whore's been through i think that he deserved the bloody fucking from his uncle and i think he shouldve gotten a gang bang!oh and toys shoved up his arse and um umm his dad shouldve gotten in on it!ok im done rambling
11/4/2004 c2 9Drizzle
i think you've done a very realistic job of describing the situation. good job. (i came back just to comment because fictionpress was down earlier)
10/31/2004 c1 Chesh
Aw, Illkitt. The poor thing! I love him. He deserves a happy ending, although it honestly doesn't seem like he'd let himself have one...
I love your taste in music (Lullaby is the best Cure song ever), but I, personally, would rather you didn't paste the song lyrics at the beginning of every chapter-just the first one is fine, or one lyric atop each chapter, but after the first time of the whole group I don't read them again anyway, so it just becomes more scrolling.
Have I mentioned that I adore the detail of Illkitt not sleeping in his bed? It's so sad and kind of unexpected, although it makes perfect sense when you think about it. THIS POOR BOY. Dammit, be nice to him! =(
I suggest the "Adjectivenounverb Series" as a title for these stories, but not all the titles go quite in that order. Eh, call it artistic license.
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