Just In
for Tried and True

4/27/2005 c1 588Setsuna529
Repetition and rhyming worked well for this. Depressing, but a lot of stuff I can relate to. Great work.
12/24/2004 c1 2Cassandra le Reille
In an attempt to refrain from using a generic complimentary word, I am going to refer to the quality of this piece as "spifftacular." Yeah, that's right. This was spifftacular.

Even without much imagery (which is usually my favourite part of any work), this was rather... charming, I suppose, in and of itself. It holds a certain appeal. I think I'll take a particular liking to it.
11/2/2004 c1 35Scarlet Azalea
I really like the way you use a whole bunch of juxtaposed ideas in a whole string of couplets.
I just hope it doesn't reflect your own real feelings about life! It's rather morbid...
11/1/2004 c1 nick-wordsmith
I love it! The way the rhying couplets are contradictory... it's great. Going on favourites.
Stones decay, words last
10/31/2004 c1 82Death-By-Papercut
this is sad...but a good poem...it flowed nicely...good job

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