Just In
for It's Nice To Come Home

8/25/2009 c1 Taylor n Mia
4/27/2009 c1 Breath Caught Holding
This was a sweet story. I love the pixie sticks. I used to have a real thing for pixie sticks and I had kinda twisted them in my mind so that there was some sort of sexual sybolism attached to them. So, that was pretty funny.
2/5/2005 c1 White Sakura
eh... nice. ^^
1/29/2005 c1 NightmareWolf00
Hah, that's actually really cute. You come up with the most awesome character names, you know.
11/24/2004 c1 secret sensations
wow, very hot and tastefully dirrty
11/8/2004 c1 13inarifox
this is like the best story of just sex. i mean they get right into it and its so sweet at the same time.
11/6/2004 c1 J.D. California
yumyumyum =]

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