Just In
for Yes, Virginia, George Bush is STILL The President!

4/26/2007 c1 Guest
I dont really see the point in celebrating that we manage to re-elect an idiot.
8/4/2006 c1 15Jenny Jakins
Bravo! Bravo!I have never ceased to be amazed at the amount of Bush-hate your country seems to put while he not only still gets revoted into office but also is doing such a good job at it. Whenever I go through the essay section at this site I find myself sorting through way too many anti-Bush essays (it's already been said once, people, and it's not much to say!) and this is the first pro-Bush essay I have found (and only because it was the spotlight). I haven't looked at the reviews but, from experience, I'm sure you received a lot of negative responses, as anti-Bush people like to be the only voice heard. I commend you on your courage for standing up dispite everything.I also really enjoy your style, though. I wasn't able to read all of what you have up, and I probably won't, but good job and keep writing!
1/25/2006 c2 ii
For an essay, this sort of celebration is rather immature.
12/13/2005 c1 the Lady Katherine
To start out, I am going to say that I am very left-wing.

Now that we have that established, I agree with you that all the poor losers can go stuff themselves. However, I also thing that the poor winners (those who gloat) can also go stuff themselves. I can't say that I'm particularly *pleased* that we have a Republican president; but I'd rather have a Republican president than no president at all, and now that Bush is in power for his second term it isn't as if there's anything anyone can do about it (except perhaps professional assassins, which I am not). The year 2008 will hold a new election; until then it would do much for the sanity of America if her citizens were all mature about her political situation.
4/26/2005 c2 chitoryu12
All you left-wingers better shut up! Bush won! Kerry lost! End of story!
4/8/2005 c2 594JoyfullyStruggling
I am not yet old enough to vote but I can say that I wanted neither men as president. All I can say is that I believe that we need someone in the middle to at least calm altercations between groups. I am angry that Bush let's his religion influence the issue of homosexuality; he is entitled to his opinion on what is right and what is wrong but it is between two consenting adults and they have the right to be married. However, I am against abortion because I believe that the baby has the right to its life (and this has nothing to do with my religion). I'm not going to be all politically clever; I'm just saying what I feel. You write very strong but I think that when people insult one another politically they undermine each other by how much they know and so on and so forth; I kinda feel bad for everyone. I think we need some common ground.
2/24/2005 c2 dax87434
uhm very "political" but i am only 16 and i don't give a damn about politics so anyway it was very well written anywayso yeah

12/28/2004 c1 4Food For Thought
Here's some Food For Thought:

I'm a Democrat. No, Admiral, I'm not going to shoot you down (yet) for being pro-Republican. I just want to say that I've read a some of your essays and found them very engaging to read. On Nov. 3, we lost... I accept that. I'm very upset that we have to go through four more years of Bush's (expletive deleted), but I can't say that Kerry would've done such a great job either. The Republican Campaign was strong and hardly faltered. Kerry found it difficult (or so it seemed) to grab onto path and stick to it. All in all, I weep for my future in New York with Bush as president so, I'm moving to Michigan. Or Louisiana. How's Kansas this time of year?

Overall Critique: This piece was drisp, concise and coherent. You've supported many of your statements with facts, upon facts, and I (personally) found it very difficult to dispute any of your arguments at all. I've no problems giving credit where credit is due (even to a Republican). 5 out of 5.

** This message has been made possible by a grant from The Xantek Corporation. **
12/13/2004 c2 Admiral
It never fails. I do an essay, it starts a fight, S.T. jumps into the fray, and suddenly it's a debate on the "War of The Northern Aggression". Never fails. One of these days I'm gonna have to do an essay on the Civil War and see if a debate about the French and Indian War breaks out.
12/13/2004 c2 No Trust
By the way,

“I will deny it. Yes, there was a chunk of the army that was made up of conscripted soldiers. However, they did no make up the entire Army, not even most of the Union Army.”

This is like saying, you’re not really a murderer unless you kill everyone, or at least most of the people, you come across. The war between the states made more people worse off (less “free”) than better off (more “free”). End of story.

”The South was made up of far more draftees.”

No, it wasn’t. Anyway, the draft in the south was necessitated by northern aggression.
12/13/2004 c1 No Trust
“Your government would qualify as "we"-a government chosen by those who vote.”

There you go, using philosophy to argue against biological *fact*. Imagine that...

” Yet on RCS' board you can accuse me of being a fascist because I somehow display SOME of the tenets of fascism.”

You display the core tenets of fascism. You differ from classical fascists on some of the peripheries.
12/13/2004 c1 8S. T. Lawrence
"Actually, I'm a commuter student. I go to your school. You know the guy who sits behind you in your history class? The dude who flicks spitballs at you every time you raise your hand to make a point? That's me!"

This would explain your lack of understanding when it comes to history. Because you waste your time firing saliva-covered orbs through a straw, you miss the lesson. I'll explain in a minute.

"Which reminds me, didn't you freak out when I made a little joke about the Rebublicans being an "all-white club" in one of my essays?"

Not that I remember. If I did, it was most likely due to the fact that, as I've stated before, you've got no sense of humor, so your "joke" was not taken as such. The Improv is in NYC-stop by there.

"For instance, Lincoln freed the slaves using a an army supplied by conscrpition...which is state slavery. Deny it all you like, that's what it is."

I will deny it. Yes, there was a chunk of the army that was made up of conscripted soldiers. However, they did no make up the entire Army, not even most of the Union Army. The South was made up of far more draftees. So you are...wrong. This is becoming a running thing with you.

"Who gives a shit? I don't. People ask me for change all the time when I'm rising the subway; doesn't mean I *have* to give it to 'em."

Guess I'm just a nice guy then.

"And who the hell is "we"? *I* was never asked to subsidize any brutal dictators or wars with my hard earned money. I don't think you were either."

Your government would qualify as "we"-a government chosen by those who vote.

"So what are we arguing about, then?"

Who knows.

"I never "freaked out" about that. Sorry to disappoint you, but it takes a lot to freak me out."

Apparently not.

"People have been misusing the term "liberal" for so long that it's nearly lost its meaning-it now refers to something completely different than what it originally meant (go look it up in a dictionary if you don't believe me). I use the monikers I use because I don't want to be confused with the Democratic Party-type "liberals." The fact of the matter is my political beliefs differ greatly from Ted Kennedy's and are really closer to Jefferson's. Kennedy's a "modern" liberal; Jefferson was a "classic" liberal, as am I. Case in point."

Yet on RCS' board you can accuse me of being a fascist because I somehow display SOME of the tenets of fascism. You display alot of the tenets of modern Liberals-so you ARE indeed a mondern day libbie, just like Teddie, or Kerry, or Moore.

12/13/2004 c1 Giygas666
"I could only imagine what wonderful institution is graced by your presence."

Actually, I'm a commuter student. I go to your school. You know the guy who sits behind you in your history class? The dude who flicks spitballs at you every time you raise your hand to make a point? That's me!

That was a joke, by the way. Ha ha ha. XD

"Your humor is so dry, I didn't pick up on it."

Better to have a dry sense of humor than none at all, eh? Which reminds me, didn't you freak out when I made a little joke about the Rebublicans being an "all-white club" in one of my essays?

And yes, you do get your facts straight...out of your ass. For instance, Lincoln freed the slaves using a an army supplied by conscrpition...which is state slavery. Deny it all you like, that's what it is. So ol' Abe basically used Northern slaves to "free" the Southern slaves-who weren't all that "free" afterward anyway. The End.

Now, regarding my disgust at the US being the world's referee: "So am I-but the fact is we're asked to do these things."

Who gives a shit? I don't. People ask me for change all the time when I'm rising the subway; doesn't mean I *have* to give it to 'em.

And who the hell is "we"? *I* was never asked to subsidize any brutal dictators or wars with my hard earned money. I don't think you were either.

"I do indeed [have a point in my rants]. You choose to ignore it, much like I do about your points."

So what are we arguing about, then?

"But you don't insult people, you're right."

I can be quite nice to people who've been civil with me. If you insult me, I will insult you. Tit-for-tat. Don't dish it out if you can't take it. Or at least be like tofujunky and come up with some *amusing* insults.

"No you aren't [thick skinned]. You freaked out when people called you a liberal and bunched you with the current left-wing. So much so that you took up this "classic liberal"/libertarian monikier in order to seperate yourself.

I never "freaked out" about that. Sorry to disappoint you, but it takes a lot to freak me out. People have been misusing the term "liberal" for so long that it's nearly lost its meaning-it now refers to something completely different than what it originally meant (go look it up in a dictionary if you don't believe me). I use the monikers I use because I don't want to be confused with the Democratic Party-type "liberals." The fact of the matter is my political beliefs differ greatly from Ted Kennedy's and are really closer to Jefferson's. Kennedy's a "modern" liberal; Jefferson was a "classic" liberal, as am I. Case in point.

"Glad I amuse you."

Not half as glad as I, sweetie. ^_^

12/8/2004 c1 S.T. Lawrence
"1) I don't go to NYU"

I could only imagine what wonderful institution is graced by your presence.

"2) I was being sarcastic."

Your humor is so dry, I didn't pick up on it.

"3) Get your facts straight."

They are...show me where they are not.

"he point of the matter is that your beloved government is wasting my tax dollars in occupying and maintaining bases in foreign countries that should handle their pown defense"

Then don't pay them. We've been over this.

"The point being I am sick and tired of this country being the world's referee."

So am I-but the fact is we're asked to do these things. IT's a Catch-22.

" I understand that you have no point in your rants."

I do indeed. You choose to ignore it, much like I do about your points.

" What you need to do is wise up, hamsterwheels."

But you don't insult people, you're right.

"Wow, that's real original. I commend your maturity and well-thought out responses. I mean, using curses and insults to make your points instead of logical arguments? Brilliant! I tip my hat to you, sir."

Thanks. You may rise now little one.

"By the way, Mr. Chickenhawk, that was sarcasm, in case you can't tell."

I couldn't.

"I'm quite thick-skinned"

No you arent. You freaked out when people called oyu a liberal and bunched you with the current left-wing. So much so that you took up this "classic liberal"/libertarian monikier in order to seperate yourself.

"so your insults have no effect save to showcase your immaturity and to make me smirk with amusement. Grow up, kid."

They have an impact. Or else you wouldnt respond the way you do. Glad I amuse you.

12/8/2004 c2 Giygas666
"You're a fuckin' idiot, plain and simple."

Wow, that's real original. I commend your maturity and well-thought out responses. I mean, using curses and insults to make your points instead of logical arguments? Brilliant! I tip my hat to you, sir.

By the way, Mr. Chickenhawk, that was sarcasm, in case you can't tell. I'm quite thick-skinned so your insults have no effect save to showcase your immaturity and to make me smirk with amusement. Grow up, kid.

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