Just In
for Solitude

6/20/2005 c1 52godsandstars
I like that too. I can't write a proper review though because I don't have anything else to say.
6/8/2005 c1 10Moon-Child76
This is so peaceful and yet lonely...and somehow longing. I love it! ...Still wowed, Panda, still wowed...~Chelle
11/26/2004 c1 81daphnegray78
Beautiful-sad, but beautiful-poem. Great work once again!

11/20/2004 c1 10Rebecca Kelsey
another masterpiece *applauds*
11/18/2004 c1 5Bleedingtree
soft.. that's what comes to mind. great william.

11/15/2004 c1 612simpleplan13
lol.. i almost thought this could be a happy poem... I like it a lot.. tahnks for all your reviews
11/15/2004 c1 Brandy Bear
good question this kind of poem really makes you think good job
11/15/2004 c1 Blank1379
Sounds like the Shire. Or Rivendell. Or some other peaceful place. Definitely not Khazad-dum. :)

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