Just In
for Why Insurers Can Suck My NonExistent Balls

12/29/2007 c1 steady
Good god.

You are so brilliant.
9/19/2006 c1 87Chaos Apple
Halarious. And True.
6/19/2005 c1 3Ballerina with a Gun
You never cease to amuse me. HA. You're great!
6/1/2005 c1 61Stories-have-souls
LOL...so, so funny.
5/17/2005 c1 2W3DNESDAY
insurers may suck my nonexistent balls also
4/25/2005 c1 81TwystedFate
*felt like reviewing something that's not about sex if you want to know the truth, haha .. I'm hardly a porno lover ;)*

I agree. I am about to get my learners (I turned 16 in March, I'm just horribly slow) and we talk about these rates in Latin all the time. It's insane; but apparently it's a lot higher for boys because they wreck more. Crazy, no?
3/6/2005 c1 acccountkiller
Ok so I know I read this when you posted it...now you tell me why my review didn't get through. Lmao...I say 'what' to people is dislike and 'pardon' to people I slightly appreciate...so yeah, I say 'what' all the time...don't worry yourself about that, we do it all...and insurers...well...they can suck my non-existent balls too! Yay! Lmao, this is a rant, but it's still hilarious chica...when do you intend to post something new? HHM? Oh well, take care of yourself! Love, Mia
1/10/2005 c1 ellabella
oh how funny. i hate the 'pardon' thing. my mum says it all the time and when i was little i was brainwashed into saying it too. trust me- i look back on those years and cringe.
12/3/2004 c1 28Diana Shore
Even though I'm twice your age (God, how depressing is that?), I couldn't agree more. My insurance quadrupled when I added my son to it. I just wish I were exaggerating in saying my insurance payment is more than my car payment.

Take care, D.
11/29/2004 c1 89Crucified Sanctity
Burn Them! *Insurers must feel my wrath soon *grr*
11/20/2004 c1 64not sure yet
heh, i fully agree, enough said
11/20/2004 c1 8glitterjewele
psh to the infinite PSH ~ bastards indeed. i actually remember going through this particular example of treachery, and shall agree with you wholeheartedly that insurance companies need to DIE. painfully. i think we should tie them up and set them in the middle of the road so the 'Boy racers' can show them just how reckless they really are . . . wouldn't that be fun? don't worry chica, all will pass . . . but until then, here ~~ http:/w w w. nolegs. net/penguin2. html (remember to take out the spaces). release some of your unquenchable fury on the insurance-related penguins. they deserve to be decapitated. bastards. *shakes fist*
11/19/2004 c1 12345678912356789deletedelete
I think this calls for some kind of intricate plot to rid the world of Insurers...or are they the ones who have us trapped in an intricate plot to make sure all teenagers suffer?

I'm sure you could have a lot of fun with bubble wrap. Use it as your secret weapon when you launch an attack on the boyracers. Challange one to a race down by the wharves, make it complex and when you are both heading for some object, destined to crash, waiting to see who chickens out first...then thats when you swerve to the side and into the water. The bubble wrap will let you float. If you bump into a whale, it will keep you in one peice.

you see, nothing can ever go wrong with the hyperimaginitive plans of a female kiwi teenager...
11/19/2004 c1 24Nemen
I know how you feel...and trust me, it's even worse for me. I'm male, so I must be the devil. Nevermind the fact that I know how to drive, that I drive responsibly, and that I have yet to so much as scrape a shrub with my parents' car. Since I have balls, the insurance company will make me pay them one and mortage the other for the priviledge of driving.

Not only that, but my parents aren't going to give me a cent for a car, or insurance, or college. Guess what? I won't be driving for a while, and the only way I'm getting into college will be with a scholarship...the fact that I have straight A's won't help, because we've lowered academic standards to the point where straight A's is about as meaningful as hitting puberty.

Thank you, and good night.
11/18/2004 c1 Le Creature
1: Insurer's market is defined by the fact that all drivers MUST have insurance under most state laws. Tell your government to get rid of minimum insurance practices and the prices might go down (or they might go up).

2: "Boy racers need to die." The majority of crashes, I guarentee you, are NOT caused by "Boy racers"

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