Just In
for The Tragic Tale of Red Ferris

5/9/2009 c12 2daydee
the best ideas and epiphanies come in the bathroom.

at least tht's wht i think.

so in the bathroom, i realized tht most of your characters around a certain time were all 16, and their loves were in their 20s.

lydie and jamie

josie and jude (almost)

elizabeth and christian

jocie and red and dom

so here's my epiphany.

you were about 16 when you wrote them and you liked someone in their 20s.

or maybe i'm just being weird and crazy...



day dee
1/7/2008 c25 laurenislameee

this was amazing

just.. brilliant. i loved it. really. so much.

tears were in my eyes at the end, i was so sad for both of them. but i did like the ending, nevertheless.
3/4/2005 c25 73aims80
I liked this story, nice and easy to read too which is always good.

And no- I didn't take offence at your review at all. I appreciate constructive criticism as it only helps me make my stories better. :)
2/1/2005 c25 4Angelic-goddess101
*grabs a tissue* That is single-handedly the best and worst story I have read yet! I couldn't help but cry in the end, and I really feel like strangling Red's uncle Leo. He deserves to live in misery at the sight of a red-headed person for what he did! Good job! Keep writing!
1/22/2005 c7 9charmed03
omg! i am such a big fan of your work! i love your stories! i just finished reading The Waterways of Darcidy, and am just starting to read this one, which i like better since i'm a drama fanatic. i love the theater! i'm glad to read a story involving the theater... anywayz, i'm gonna go read some more! keep writing!
1/9/2005 c25 aims80
I saw your brief summary of this story on your main authors page and thought it looked intersting so I decided to read it. I like it just as much as your other story, and as someone else said Red's death, though upsetting, was a necessity to make the story finish neatly. Good work.
1/7/2005 c25 6R.M.Whitaker
Oh, dag nab it all! I'm so confused! You can always change my mind so quickly! I've never been so whimsical as I am when I'm reading your stories! Alright, I'm glad Jocie married Dom! But I'm sad that she doesn't love him AS MUCH as she loved Red. But all in all, GREAT BOOK! I loved it! Ofcaurse I'll read your next one! You're like, my favorite auther of Fictionpress! Please put it up soon!
1/6/2005 c25 Stephanie aka picturesinthesand
Thanks for reviewing my story. I'm sad to see this one end but its has been a great read all along. I cant wait to read your next one, your on my favorite authors list *high five* and your a great writer!
1/6/2005 c25 2jocelynxx
This was a wonderful story. And although I too was very sad about Red's death, I realize now (after reading this chapter) that it had to happen. You do a great job of writing in wonderful connections that come out later in your story. The explanations in the final chapter were wonderful!

Keep writing- I'll keep my eyes open for your next story!
1/6/2005 c25 Pam
Not quite the ending I was expecting, being honest here, I thought this story was great up until the murder of Red's dad, if you continued on another path, like who really killed him, I thought you'd have a twist no one would suspect, that Red would be saved not executed, it killed the ending, no offense but the ending sucked, is there going to be a sequel to this?, I hope not, if you hadn't killed Red off you could have created a great sequel, disappointed greatly of the outcome of this, hope the next story is a lot better
1/6/2005 c25 Emilea
wow! i got a mention. i have never ever felt so good before! well, i loved reviewing cos this story ROX! write a sequel or something of one of her kids!
1/2/2005 c24 6R.M.Whitaker
I don't believe it! I don't believe it for an instant! Yeah, there'll be another chapter, and ypu'll fix everything somehow! You just HAVE to! How could anyone be so cruel as to finaly get me to love Red only to kill him? No, Red didn't die. Besides, it takes a good 10 minutes for someone to die from a hanging.
1/2/2005 c24 Em Crosthwaite
So Red's really dead? why not Dominic? Dominic was the one she didn't love, you should have killed him. Maybe it's some sick joke and in the next chapter we'll find out that he's not really dead, and he and Jocie are going to be together. Oh poor Jocie, I hope she calls off the engagemen to Dom. Or maybe this is some weird fream sequence, and she'll wake up and Red will still be in his cell, or maybe she'll wake up and they'll be children again, and none of the story would have ever happened. I think I'm in denial; this is just so sad!

It's still a wonderful story though, and I'll still read to the end.
1/2/2005 c24 Steph
Wow. That was unexpected. I didnt think you'd actually kill him off. Wow. Im somewhat speechless just as Jocie. She'll never live happly ever after but hopefully, she will live somewhat content with Dominic.
1/1/2005 c23 R.M.Whitaker
Congratulations! You have succeeded in doing what no one has ever done- changing my mind! You have proved yourself to be an excellent auther! Now I actually think Red DOES belong with Jocelyn. Dominic still deserves a great girl, but Red has to get out of there soon so he can marry Jocie! I'm still harboring the idea that Dominic will play a part in the release of Red. I guess I'll just have to see what happens.

Please update ASAP! I'll die if I can't see what happens soon!
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