Just In
for Where's My Coaliton? And other observations

1/13/2005 c1 14Carrollesque
A good-hearted well researched jab at the right. Well done.

Oh, and you better believe the Uzbeki's are worse than saddam, their president orders ethnic cleansings rapings, and I have it on good authority that the man eats babies.
12/16/2004 c1 57logical-unreason
How strange, why haven't we met or heard of each other before.

Proud defenders of the liberal cause against John Stein and anyone else who wants to have a go. A logical and beautifully timed and paced essay. Point after points keeps the common sense coming.

12/13/2004 c1 giygas666
Mr. Stein: "We still have support of the state."

But you don't have the support of the people. Piss the people off enough and you have a revolt on your hands.

On Mercuryt: "An interesting statistic on us Brits. We were evenly split on who was the greatest threat to world peace: 45% Saddam Hussien, 45% George Bush."


I agree that a coalition where 90% of the work and costs are undertaken by ONE country is not really much of a "coalition." Not that it matters; massive worldwide support would not have added any legitimacy to this or any war.

11/23/2004 c1 4John Stein PhD
"Afghanistan (Huh? What can they contribute? Horses? And didn't we just invade them?)"

They saw how we were able to liberate them correct? But I'm wrong. Afghanis and Iraqis have no right to say that the US lead liberations of their countries is a good thing. How would they know the situation better than you?

"Albania (Yeah, where there are 30 people for every phone. Where they all have to farm to stay alive. Real useful)"

Yes, let's make fun of poor, impoverished people. That'll show the Republicans how right and good-natured we are.

"Australia (Where 70 of Aussies were opposed to the war"

Doesnt matter. We still have the support of the state.

"Azerbaijan (Bet you don't even know where that is. One of the next countries on Bush's Oil List)"

Yes, Bush went to war for oil, which is why the gas prices rose, and Iran and Kuwait have more oil (so, I wonder why we didnt go after them).

"Eritrea (Right next to Sudan and Ethiopia, the size of Pensylvania, life expectancy of 52)"

Yes, poverty and poor health is something to make fun of.

"Estonia (Didn't they support the Nazi regime too? Hm)"

Didnt Italy support it too? Hmm, maybe they changed.

"Ethiopia(What with all the starving people and AIDS and everything, they'll be really useful."

Again, disease and starvation make wonderful joking points.

"Georgia (Can't think of any smart-ass remark here, sorry)"

Then why include it? Clearly, they have some valuable support if you can't mock their dying people.

"Italy (69 opposed to the war)"

Still have support of the state and military.

"Japan (70 opposed the war)"

Still have the support of the state.

"Macedonia (Where the hell is that?)"

Because you don't know it's location, obviously its support means nothing.

"And like Mike Moore said, who needs more monkeys when you've already got one leading the country?)"

That was so clever that I'm in awe at your intelligence.

"the UK! Where 91 are against the war in Iraq"

So...we still have support of the state. We don't need their liberals.

"We were evenly split on who was the greatest threat to world peace: 45- Saddam Hussien, 45- George Bush"

Then maybe you Brits need to go for regular brain examinations. And uh, where's the other 10 percent? And, did you miss the spellcheck when you spelt Saddam HUSSEIN'S name?

"Do you feel so confident now? Good luck in Iraq."

We don't need luck. We're just that damn good. 1,0 0 0 isnt a large number in a war (especially in a whole year). We killed 300 Iraqi terrorists in the first few days there. I'd say we're on our way.

"Dude, Where's My Country?"

There's some credibility for you.

"Cheers to John Stein for inspiring the article with his Guidelines Of Liberalism"

Thanks for the advertisment, and you're always welcome.
11/22/2004 c1 9fugiguru
lol! a book by michael moore is your major source? it becomes very hard to take you seriously after reading that. he's just like rush limbaugh, only liberal. anyway, i'm not disputing your percentages. the iraq war is one big mess and i have no clue how the u.s. (or anyone else, for that matter) could fix it. it is very amusing that many of the countries supporting the war have no army.

Körishguncha khair!
11/21/2004 c1 6MrFlames
11/21/2004 c1 9Cthulhu
Wahoo, go OM.

Oh, and fact-lovers, Uzbekistan is a regime that is much harsher than Saddam's was, yet the US loves 'em.

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