Just In
for Blinded by Red

8/6/2005 c1 justasquirrel
wow, my hats off, this is very well written. the detail you put in every aspect-fighting, dialogue, and emotion-is outstanding; bravo.

4/15/2005 c1 Brandy Bear
Very good nice twist at the end


sorry for the late reviews
1/5/2005 c1 82Twilit Exaggerance
Well wrote. Helmoor dies well. Lol. Nice ending. Hectic like hell in the last paragraphs, but it is still very good.
1/3/2005 c1 81daphnegray78
Wow. This was...just great. It really drew me in. Awesome, awesome work here!

11/27/2004 c1 verus pax
Very nicely done! I like the way you turned the whole story around in such a short time, (when Faron found his father dead and then took revenge) and unknowingly took up his father's position as their leader. The only thing is that I feel that you could have described everything in more detail, giving it a bigger impact to the reader. I also suggest you reread it again as there are some minor mistakes present. I do hope you continue. Overall I really enjoyed reading it!-pax
11/22/2004 c1 1k+Faithless Juliet
Fascinating, please update soon.

Much love,Juliet.

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