Just In
for King of the Jews

4/9/2005 c1 Agility
REALLY good. IT inspired me to actually pay attention in some of those classes. I like how you told what he was feeling at each part, and the poems to mach them.
3/20/2005 c1 aknightsgoldenrose
This is a beautiful story. Your descriptions were very vivid. I haven't seen the movie so I can't tell you if its alike or not. I also loved the way you had poems inbetween. Great work.
12/31/2004 c1 1JC Jaquez
that is absolutely awesome.I know this sounds a little inane, but... poor Jesus.it really does give a little more meaning to the stuff we learn by rote in those CCD classes... Jesus was a person, and he died for the world.great job! =)
12/25/2004 c1 4aaple
that's good, i think you really captured Jesus and his mission im making my mom read this
12/5/2004 c1 194Aslan Israel
I've never seen "Passion" either, but I really like this. wonderful job.
11/25/2004 c1 8Silver Phantom 2
What an excellent view of the crucifixion. I don't really cry when i read or see something, but this was an incredible story and i actually felt like crying. I haven't been to CCD so i don't know what they teach you but i can see part of what. But you shouldn't have to worry about it seeming like the Passion. They are both the same. But u have to c that movie!

Silver Phantom
11/24/2004 c1 33metropolis noir
I find it an interesting story, an interesting take on the Crucifixion. I do have one minor problem with it. You repeat Jesus's name almost every sentence, it makes the text seem repetitive at times.
11/24/2004 c1 23Krystal Watters
WOW very good...it acctualy brought tears to my eyes, and few written things can do that...i like the bits of poetry i between the separate sections..they acctaly rhyme, folow a pattern..and just add something to the whole rest of the story
11/24/2004 c1 16amarllion
I like this, but it sounds rather alike to the film passion of the Christ. The description is vivid, as if I could see Jesus himself carrying the cross, and watching as his hands and legs were nailed into the cross. I love this, this is just beautiful

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