Just In
for Conceal Not

1/20/2006 c1 2zeusfluff
I love this poem too! One should not have to hide they're true feelings... It just isn't right... I had one teacher two years ago, my junior year of high school that said that hiding your emotions was the best thing for a person... Don't know where she got that idea though... Whatever... Thanks again for a great poem! ~Melissa~
12/14/2004 c1 6N47R3
heh... so hard for me to do most of these... they're all my fault too. i don't let anyone in, so i hide what's wrong, and then i'm afraid i'll be alone because nobody is close, but i'm the one keeping them away... blah... good poem.
12/14/2004 c1 acid-tears
i like the way you've manipulated the words, and the message of hope and faith you've put forward. Very nice.

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