Just In
for Catch Me If You Can

1/28/2005 c8 2EvilAngelReturns
lol. Your welcome and thank you for the gratitude. I must say again, you're a killer writer. Awesome work! Please update again soon!
1/27/2005 c8 10Green Forest
Evil little thing that you are, you better get them safe, though I have to say the evil side of me wants to see what would happen if Silver was caught. Also perhaps I over reacted, it's a C...in honors English (blushes), still compared to everyone else I know, my writings horrible. I can't wait for more (since tomorrow will be the fifth snow day in a row).
1/25/2005 c7 2EvilAngelReturns
It's really good. Please update soon!
1/25/2005 c7 10Green Forest
Hehe. I'm just as new at this. Yes I like it, but Silver is gone again and that makes me sad. If I wasn't failing English, I probably would have a few suggestions, so continue writing.
1/20/2005 c6 Green Forest
I'm satisfied...for now, though in two minutes that might be a different story. Anyways I'm glad Isaac is being nice.
1/14/2005 c5 Green Forest
Yay, he came back, and I'm happy, but still not satisfied, I want to know what happens next! D'you know how long it's been since you updated? of course you do, you're the author, but thats a major hint to Update!
12/31/2004 c5 3Dire deWolf
It's a little rushed and some small errors, but otherwise...love the drama. Usually I can't stand it because it's too much, but this is just right. Don't tell Hellfire (Helena), but she could learn a thing or two from you about being mild and not overbearing.
12/28/2004 c4 Staris
ah no! come back Silver! that's soo sad T_T anyways, nice chapter! please please update soon! but whats going to happen to Leil? lol poor guy...
12/28/2004 c4 10Green Forest
Silver better come back. I have to say I wasn't expecting the whole pychic thing, but it's right up my ally. It's great, so don't think of stopping posting.
12/24/2004 c2 SlateGrey
M, interesting idea. I like the way that you're building a picture of the two main characters, too... can't wait to read more!
12/18/2004 c2 Green Forest
I like the storyline and you should write more, the only thing is there were a lot of spelling mistakes that made it hard to read, but the story is good.
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