Just In
for Beauty

12/23/2004 c1 13Artificial Refuge
Again, this is amazing writing! It has such a true and positive message. Keep it coming!
12/22/2004 c1 5Lost Inside
Good Job.
12/22/2004 c1 3LM Kale
I disagree with 'Jane Austen the 2nd'. This poem speaks of the truth like 'Purple Honeydew' said. Today, so many people are wrapped up in what true beauty really is. Great job on the poem! The message inside it is awesome. ^_^
12/22/2004 c1 6co0kieCrazii
okay, i feel kinda stupid reviewing to myself...but newayz...some of you guys might not agree with this poem...but its okay though...afterall everyone see things differently right?...thanxs
12/22/2004 c1 8Purple Honeydew
This poem speaks truth! ^_^ People nowadays have a skewed vision of what's 'beautiful.'

This flows very well and the repetition of the word "beauty" is really cool! Kudos to you! ^_^
12/22/2004 c1 35Jane Austen the 2nd
umm this is wrong..? some people arent beautiful they are UGLY and it isnt their fault but i mean you cant just suddently say they are pretty...? interesting perspective its kinda wrong though :)pretty pink

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