Just In
for A Dark Obsession

2/4 c1 amabeck25
I loved your story and would be honored to bring it to life as a comic! I have some exciting ideas to share and would love to collaborate. Let’s make something amazing together!

Discord: amabeck
Best regards.
12/16/2015 c7 Guest
Nice story But the girl, she's weird, not like different weird, but annoying weirdIn the beginning of the story, I wanted to just strangle herbut she got a little better later in the story. ANYWAY, I really enjoyed your story, and I hope you keep on writing different types of story.
5/8/2015 c19 lilcarellijohn
If I had decent tear ducts and a heart I'd cry. This story was beautiful and amazing and totally unique, this is the first thing i've read ascociated with goths and I think I'll be reading a lot more because this story is now my favourite story
9/24/2014 c19 barsha
its awesum story!... jus love it... :) my favourite is buz! hehe..nyways awesum"! :) :)
4/29/2014 c19 Guest
I have read many stories on romance. Many were even similar to yours. Many were goth themed. But not one of them left me feeling as satisfied as this one. Thank you.
12/17/2013 c1 1xxBattingfortheBadBoysxx
I read the whole thing today and truthfully I thought the Render was Bishop but was pretending. :P

My mistake,
I love this though!

What I gained? I'm obsessed with goths now!
8/31/2013 c19 2PrincessofAtlantis
Uh, loved it 3
4/7/2013 c19 Stankk
Love. Is the only word I could think of, about how I felt about this story.
2/21/2013 c19 Peacock Slayer
Could this be anymore perfect... i think not.
11/23/2012 c19 Guest
Re-read this for the third time and still love it to bits! cheers you amazing person ;D
11/21/2012 c19 Nocturnal-Silver-Wolf
Nice. Cute. But I didn't really like the ending, especially as it was simply told out from her point of view. I would have liked an epilogue, to see how Anna and Bishop acted around each other.
Oh yeah, what was Bishop's real name...? Or does he not have one?
11/21/2012 c18 Nocturnal-Silver-Wolf
Holy crap.
I'm so happy I get to say... iknewitiknewitiknewitiknewit iknewitiknewitiknewitiknewit iknewitiknewitiknewitiknewit iknewitiknewitiknewitiknewit iknewitiknewitiknewitiknewit iknewitiknewitiknewitiknewit iknewitiknewitiknewitiknewit iknewitiknewit I KNEW IT!
HAHAHAHA I KNEW IT! I thought that Render was Bishop's father or at least some way related to him as she like both of them and stuff...
But then I was like NOOOO as I actually like Render... :D
10/29/2012 c1 Kaliya14
I like this story and would i be goth cuz i were lots of black admire drk things and dyed my hair black but put dark hilights in my hair but laugh smile and talk lot i dont cut myself or i dont have any problems so wat m i
10/6/2012 c19 Choukou
Wow. That was just-wow. For some reason, even though the topic and title were serious, I found this story really funny. Anna is just too spastically funny. I definitely laughed aloud at her antics sometimes.
8/6/2012 c19 9Binkybaby
loved it.
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