Just In
for A Dark Obsession

1/1/2005 c1 Chookstar
Kia ora dude! Nah it was a good start, don't be so hard on yourself! I don't know why Goth stories interest me, there are like no goths in my country lol. It was a really good length too, but I didn't really get the bit with Biship at the end. I know you're probably going to explain it in the next chapter (which you WILL post SOON! lol) but it was a little random! Be interesting to see where this goes, keep it up and i'll be back to check...
1/1/2005 c1 6SilentBlueRose
Good start. I always love reading stuff about Goths, being one myself...One thing though. Know that not all Goths do drugs and smoke. There are plenty that don't. Just so you know.Good story though, keep writing.
1/1/2005 c1 Sydney
This is pretty cool.

Plz update soon!
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