Just In
for A Lovely Night

2/8/2006 c1 82Isabella22
When you say 'The nigh mist', did you mean 'Night mist'?

I liked this one
1/27/2006 c1 115Random-Idiocity
So the green eyes were of a monster right? :P Just guessing. Well for a 5th grade poem this was pretty good :D Thought I would review the rest of ur poems that I already havent since you've reviewed all mine..
10/9/2005 c1 59S0ulSearching
seems pretty advanced for a fifth grader...I liked it-awsome imagery. KEep it up.-pammy-x3
7/21/2005 c1 Veruca
Wonderful! Wonderful!Finally a shorty!
7/20/2005 c1 Eloquent-Marionette
ohh, very nice. you made this is 8th grade? wow, that was like, what?...two, three years ago? good job.KW!~davida
6/13/2005 c1 2lafawnduhlover
well, this one was seriously, so suspiciousthe, it showed the dark side of you. well, can't talk long, i gotta go sell tubberware. Peacthe Out! -Kip-
3/5/2005 c1 141AllyCred
i love this the imagery is beautiful and the wording is so powerful. lots of love ~AllyCred~
1/24/2005 c1 Abby
I am so confused...but good gob...I think
1/11/2005 c1 aggrievedly maladroit
hey brittersz. was up? ok poem. :D BUT I CAUGHT A MISTAKE! GWA-HA-HA! GWA-HA-HA! *smiles* ah-hem. newayz, in the 7th line u rote 'the nigh mist was...'. i don't think that was rite, but u r blonde so...*cough* well onto the next poem. or story. whatever.
1/11/2005 c1 1Forgotten Shadow
i likyed that specially the green eyes part
1/11/2005 c1 Brandon
Hey cool poem, who did the green eyes belong to?
1/11/2005 c1 32Shadowz the Silver Wolf
cool.. that's a cute poem.. i like it... if i could've written anything half as good as that when i was 11, i think i would've fainted.. very well written and well done. Keep it up!~Silver~
1/11/2005 c1 17incandescent.smiles
ack i envy your ability at 11! awesomely done, though not as creepy as i thought it would be.

luv ya


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