Just In
for An Anthology of a Year

3/3/2005 c57 31Grevola
oh I like this one. I like this one a lot. For all sorts fo reasons.
2/23/2005 c51 Grevola

I think that about sums this one up. In keeping with the song... original, good structure/contents.

2/23/2005 c50 Grevola
I like this one, powerful, in-your-face, but not whinny.
2/16/2005 c48 Grevola
I like the last two stanzas best, not that the first isn't good, but they're where the 'meat' of the poem is for me. I like 'em
2/16/2005 c46 Grevola
I know the poems are all independant, but it's interesting to have this one and La La back to back. Contrast's nicely.
2/11/2005 c44 Grevola
I like the form in this one, probably your strongest yet in that respect. The content is good to. Last line breaks with the rhytm a little bit, but not much. Great work.
2/11/2005 c43 Grevola
Reads a lot like lyrics in its own right, and would make a an interesting, if dark, hard rock song.
2/11/2005 c41 Grevola
I like this one, except for some reason the last line bugs me... Other wise I think it's an excellent piece
2/6/2005 c38 Grevola
this is probably the best one you've done so far, technically at lest ^_^the content is good too, may be going on my favorites list *~_^
2/6/2005 c36 Grevola
very touching.
2/6/2005 c35 grev
I like this one, not sure why, but it sounds good to me.
2/6/2005 c34 grev
Not bad rhytmically, but a bit repetitive.
1/30/2005 c29 7vanderhall
I like all these poems, I just HATE the song American Idiot. yikes. *shakes fists at the song* But the poems really are good. I like how you took lines from certain songs and blended them into your own work. lovely, dearest.
1/26/2005 c26 31Grevola
Interesting, I like the theme. Form could use a /bit/ of polishing, but then, that's the beauty of poetry like this ^_^
1/23/2005 c23 grevola
Grev here, way too lazy to sign in. Or spell for that mater.

One of your most polished looking pieces, it reflects the song, but isn't just a re-mix of the lyrics. I like it.
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