Just In
for Family Trouble

2/11/2005 c1 164darqlyte
Very good. You know there is a poetry format you can use, if you wish.

It sounds like a song, or you say it to a certain rhythimn.

God Bless, keep writting.

-Blaeyk Q'ohle Darqlyte
1/21/2005 c1 35Elderith
I think this is the most well-written of the poems you've posted so far. I like the rhythm, the obvious emotion that lies behind it. It flows very well. I will definitely look forward to seeing more from you.
1/19/2005 c1 113fRoZeN tIgEr TeArS
i understand this more than anyone could possibly know. wonderful job although the formatting could be different...check out my poem..um (if i can remember the name...) Memories..maybe? is somewhere near the top of my list...hehehe..alwaysFTT
1/16/2005 c1 2AnonyNin
theres pretty much one simple word that can describe this: powerful
1/15/2005 c1 29under estimated artistsoul
This is kind of weird the way you wrote it. It rhymes and then is stops. I like how you described things with detail. In general it's pretty good, not one of your better though.

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