4/20/2011 c9 lovebug101
AAW that is so cute please please say that Jin likes Emily PLEASE they would be great together!
AAW that is so cute please please say that Jin likes Emily PLEASE they would be great together!
4/20/2011 c6 lovebug101
Okay really confused I thought Jin lijed Emily not Magic so who dose he like? (I think he would go best with Emily but thats my personal thought!)
Okay really confused I thought Jin lijed Emily not Magic so who dose he like? (I think he would go best with Emily but thats my personal thought!)
4/20/2011 c4 lovebug101
I'm a bit confused so Jin likes Emily...right! (If so there really cute together I hope they get together or Emily dates someone she deserves it!)
I'm a bit confused so Jin likes Emily...right! (If so there really cute together I hope they get together or Emily dates someone she deserves it!)
3/3/2009 c45
I just spent the last few hours of my life re-reading this amazing piece of work. I forgot how addicted I was to it before!
Akii and Gabe are adorable, and haha, Takashi is so...cute. It's funny how he's so oblivious to everything, especially how much Emily likes him.
I have to say, though: Magic and Jin are my absolute favorite part of this whole thing. Their relationship is so hilarious, and I wish Magic would just admit to herself that she's got the hots for him. Haha, they are so cute, and I'm definitely looking forward to some more pointless fluff on their part. ;)
Damian is interesting, as is his relationship with Magic, but I still like Jin better. Lol.
And Noel and Southi's relationship is very interesting also. Southi is so dumb...who cares about rules? She shouldn't have broken his heart, poor Noel. Neave is kind of evil, but I like her, ahha. And is the fact that she's narcoleptic going to have any importance later on? Just wondering.
Well that was a really long review. Haha! Just wanted to get this all in, because before when I read this the first time I was a lot younger and wrote really stupid, short reviews. I never really wrote my specific opinion back then, haha.
Anyway yeah I really hope you guys update this soon...although by the looks of it, you're kind of dead right now. :( I hope you guys can work up the motivation and give your fans what the want: another amazing chapter! (:
Awesome job overall,

I just spent the last few hours of my life re-reading this amazing piece of work. I forgot how addicted I was to it before!
Akii and Gabe are adorable, and haha, Takashi is so...cute. It's funny how he's so oblivious to everything, especially how much Emily likes him.
I have to say, though: Magic and Jin are my absolute favorite part of this whole thing. Their relationship is so hilarious, and I wish Magic would just admit to herself that she's got the hots for him. Haha, they are so cute, and I'm definitely looking forward to some more pointless fluff on their part. ;)
Damian is interesting, as is his relationship with Magic, but I still like Jin better. Lol.
And Noel and Southi's relationship is very interesting also. Southi is so dumb...who cares about rules? She shouldn't have broken his heart, poor Noel. Neave is kind of evil, but I like her, ahha. And is the fact that she's narcoleptic going to have any importance later on? Just wondering.
Well that was a really long review. Haha! Just wanted to get this all in, because before when I read this the first time I was a lot younger and wrote really stupid, short reviews. I never really wrote my specific opinion back then, haha.
Anyway yeah I really hope you guys update this soon...although by the looks of it, you're kind of dead right now. :( I hope you guys can work up the motivation and give your fans what the want: another amazing chapter! (:
Awesome job overall,
12/19/2008 c46
Haha…I never really liked manga...but this was hilarious!
I love it: )
Keep writing and update soon!

Haha…I never really liked manga...but this was hilarious!
I love it: )
Keep writing and update soon!
11/12/2008 c46 Sweetii
Hey! You write good and the stories good but it's been ages since you've updated! Please update soon! :)
Hey! You write good and the stories good but it's been ages since you've updated! Please update soon! :)
4/29/2008 c45 Lixx
And SA is awesome.
And SA is awesome.
2/7/2008 c7 xyn
How.. chancy. The school of this story is so very, very alike to the school I have just finished.. teachers and all. Very cute manga style story anyway.
PS: as a part-time biology freak, I must point out that males have XY chromosomes... not XX.
How.. chancy. The school of this story is so very, very alike to the school I have just finished.. teachers and all. Very cute manga style story anyway.
PS: as a part-time biology freak, I must point out that males have XY chromosomes... not XX.
8/28/2007 c46 I-See-clowns
R u guys going to update soon, no offence, but I'm kinda sick of waitin'. The story's great tho
R u guys going to update soon, no offence, but I'm kinda sick of waitin'. The story's great tho
8/14/2007 c45 Turntable Aurora
Akii and Gabriel are so cute.
Portents of things to come? I think... yes!
Akii and Gabriel are so cute.
Portents of things to come? I think... yes!