Just In
for Tell Me What I'm Afraid To Hear

7/3/2005 c1 14Getuie
Awesome... I loved this. Something I definitely can relate to. It's so hard to get people just to be honest with you about things. There are so many lines in this piece that just struck me.

"Anything but surrender. Donā€™tJust go along with my foolishness"

This has to be my favourite part of the piece as it's something that I commonly feel within my heart.

Wonderful write.
2/6/2005 c1 174marshbar960
you know, as prideful as i am, i need to hear something that would knock it aside once and for all. yes, we may boil over at first, but once we simmer down then we'll be one step closer to prosperity. thanks for sharing and keep writing!
1/26/2005 c1 44Dark-Light39
Yeah, a lot of people these days just want to hear what they want, we have to learn to listen to what we need, not just want. There are so many people who go after what they want, not what they need. People need to face reality.

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