Just In
for Walking Behind You

7/28/2006 c1 16rip17
mhmm me likie : ) i think it's sad! sad but good. i'll go and read your other things later but right now i have to go to a friends house so i'll do it some time soon k? : )
5/21/2005 c1 4Clemtine
wow that really had me!you should continue it,or maybe transform it into a story!so far,you are the only author i have reviewed that i have put in my favourites ever since i started here, i really like your writing and hope to read more of your work..keep it up!
1/26/2005 c1 14Fairyworld1217
Wow mysterious. i like this story so far... please continue!
1/26/2005 c1 8Kate Ryan
this is really good, i loved it! i love how she wonders if there's someone behind her, and how she'll promise to return his affections. but i don't know if u should turn it into a longer story. right now it seems short and bittersweet, just how i like it! =D
1/26/2005 c1 75Oriel Cassandra
Hey! i like this! you've written it well! And i know how that girl feels! Too long have i felt that terrible feeling of loneliness. I enjoyed reading this! and i reali think you should continue it! make it a story!

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