Just In
for An Average Story

4/12/2009 c16 Judy
first one in 2009 yay! it took forever to find this story again...but no updates? :(

11/30/2008 c16 6teacupauthor
It's been two years. please update!
10/24/2008 c8 Elodie Wolfe
Dude, thats amazing. You rope all the readers in with the avergity of it all. New word! and boom you hit us with this. I LOVE IT. Even if you had to kill a guy for it. If he's dead anyways. Either way. Awesome twist.

10/24/2008 c7 Elodie Wolfe
Aack, they are soo cute. I love it. More plot(well dramatic plot)lol.

10/24/2008 c6 Elodie Wolfe
Ahh finally a problem! Every story needs a problem of some sort or it isn't a problem. I love Jesse and Elise's(or is it Elise') not there but is there romance. It makes me smile. I really do wanna know where he is. I like this story cuz it's different. I mean I love good romance that is original plot because you know with romance the whole boy and girl or occasional girl and girl is in every romance thing. Obviously, but for it to actually be different from another story is really hard to find. I love this story. The End. :)


btw my reviews probably don't make much sense.. because I've been sick for two weeks so my brain doesn't feel like making sentences that make sense, so I'm hoping you understand what I'm trying to say/type etc. :)
10/24/2008 c5 Elodie Wolfe
I LOVE this, it makes me smile. I love it, because well you know it there is that one average person who gets pulled into it(whatever it may be) and comes out changed but still averageish, or what not. It's just it's hard for stories like this (well first one I've actually ever read and liked! I've read like three? Not the same plot, but the whole average or whatever) to be awesome and original, because the author doesn't know what he/she is doing, or can't do it well for any story or that particular story. I love this. You write very very well.

10/24/2008 c4 Elodie Wolfe
Pahaha, I love it. I love how Elise is embracing her not as averageness. New word! Lol, but now I find it awesome that you can really portray this so well. It's really good. Especially because average is such a interesting word I guess you can say to define.

Love it!

10/24/2008 c3 Elodie Wolfe
I love Elise. My life isn't average, well actually with the world as it is now. Suckish, and that's saying quite a bit. Statistics, rapes, drugs, haters, lovers, losers, queens and kings of high school, etc. It's all we see so it's average. So forget my life isn't average. I'm right above. Anyways I liked this chapter a lot. I love Elise. Her friends make so much sense. I love this story because it does take an average girl and show how 'average' life is even with all the crazyness and bad or good things in this world. And this is only the second chappie. Nicely done.

10/24/2008 c2 Elodie Wolfe
Haha new reader here. I found you from Deena who I found from mrdryrdrlngs, anyways I love this idea. I like romances and I like feel good stories, but you are so right, there are too many out there and most of the too many out there happen to be horribly written. I like this story. I'm gonna read it and review every chappie. Like I usually do for stories. I'm a reviewer then author. Anyways I'm also kinda loopyish, crazy, spastic(I don't know what word to use), the point is, I'll review. I like the originality of this story and how it's set. It's very well written, no grammer issues, and it flows well.

9/28/2008 c1 gabby
hi i am a bit too lazy to review after every chapter so i will say this sounds really good and will review again in about 10 chapters though i will be going back to school tomorrow and am going to bed now so i apologise. however as i sayit sounds really great. hope to review soon if i have the time.
9/1/2008 c6 dishrag-chan
God I love this. Story of my life.
7/10/2008 c1 4orangejuiceaddiction
Hey, I like this opening. It's witty. =D
6/16/2008 c1 Hong
I generally shy from reviews but your prologue definitely caught my attention. The humor from it is not overtly ostentatious or subtle but moderate, like the point of the sotry. So far, grammar's good and plot seems inspiring. Please update but even if you don't, just know that you have another fan on your belt.
6/1/2008 c16 Allie92
please update this please it so good
5/1/2008 c1 radon17
It's been ages since you started this story, but I read the the line! I did, I did, I did! Now, on to the rest of the story...which is average by the by.
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