Just In
for Spring Star

7/31/2006 c10 6Fayre Vala
Kristen, why are you so mean? you always abandon your stories just as they are getting good!
6/6/2006 c1 madelineangel
this story is so im please begging for some more dont leave us hanging.
8/7/2005 c10 Mizu-Yoru-Tsuki
oh my gosh... is that even allowed to be considered teen rated? 0.0 ... i wasn't expecting that much detail... creepy... uh, does it go this far again? i kinda hope not...
5/28/2005 c10 1life1der
kind of confusing, but probably just because it's been soo long since you've updated! otherwise it's good
5/18/2005 c10 Myra
5/9/2005 c10 15Callipygian
Wow, this story is getting very odd, i must read more. Poor tortured Tayoh.
5/9/2005 c7 Callipygian
Uh-oh! they woke up the mom, i must move on to read the next chapter. I'm glad I finally got around to read more chapters. It's still awesome.
4/21/2005 c10 1KittiBear
Hurrah for an update! but you can't leave me this unsatisfied! I need more!
4/18/2005 c10 9Morbid Maxwell
Aw...this chapter was kinda sad...but, you updated! ...I should too...great job Love, can't wait for more!

Morbid Maxwell- "You sound like a boy about to have an orgasm..."
4/18/2005 c10 SatisfyAnEmptyInside
This is completely trippy now, but in a good way. Can't wait to see where this is headed. Soon?
4/17/2005 c10 M L
Cheers for the update. ^^
4/17/2005 c10 2Destiny852
4/1/2005 c6 15Callipygian
Yay! For another great chapter, but hark! the bell is about to ring! But i'm glad i read this chapter it's a great giddy way to start my day. AH! The Bell! she rings! bye bye!
4/1/2005 c5 Callipygian
Poor guy. I have nightmares of my old houses, and my best friend's old house. I'm just weird that way. Must continue story so see you on the next page.
4/1/2005 c4 Callipygian
Wow, you've updated alot. Good job. Still cute and funny. *Hands Nightly Rain a angry story* u said u wanted a angry story so there you got, enjoy it and don't spend it all in one place. The story is growing enteresting, must read more...once teacher takes eyes off me...
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