Just In
for The Lost Brush

3/31/2005 c1 15Macca Lane
nice sad lvoe the tone and feeling you are throguh the poem with your use of rhyming
3/25/2005 c1 16Wing Chant
"She sits uponAn eraser of grayHidden awayFrom the light of day" That's my faverate line in this poem! ^^ I like the imagery you gave explaining how utterly alone she was. ^^ Disprited as it was, it was a spiffy read. ^^
2/25/2005 c1 hmact
Wow, that was very deep. I loved the unique rhyming that you had, with a broad vocabulary. Though it was depressing, it showed a lot of strong emotion. Very well written, keep up the fantastic work!
2/18/2005 c1 46Victim of the Wraith
Okay, the end through me off here because you had about three quarters of this poem rhyme but then the other quarter was just free verse and the peice seemed to lose it's quality. Othere than that, I like the story that you are trying to tell and I hope that you keep up the good work.
2/17/2005 c1 1o0oAnnie
Wowowowo! AWESOME poem! I loved how the first and last stanzas didn't rhyme but all the rest did...I just read it outloud and it sounds so beautiful and is so much fun to recite..it's sad and gives haunting images...I love it! it's definitely going on my favorities list! :D Keep writing!
2/10/2005 c1 116Blackening the Ivy
o...luv it...
2/9/2005 c1 2Sheila Ibre
It's wonderful. (Yeah I'm not very constructive this morning.Sorry.But really it is wonderful)
2/9/2005 c1 37Fantwriter
Its so pretty, and sad ;_;

I like the rhyming =)
2/9/2005 c1 94smile persephone
There are many unique descriptions in this (unlike a lot of angsty/depression poetry-they are all mirrors of each other) This is well done! I really like the fact that she doesn't have blood, very interesting!

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