4/10/2015 c1 Catherine
its awesome
its awesome
4/10/2015 c2 Guest
3/25/2015 c2 Guest
I found your story/diary while scrolling online, and I wanted to take the time to tell you that it is very well written and effective. You have a lot of talent and I hope that you will continue to use it. I really enjoyed reading this piece and it has lots of potential- I sincerely hope you continue writing!
I found your story/diary while scrolling online, and I wanted to take the time to tell you that it is very well written and effective. You have a lot of talent and I hope that you will continue to use it. I really enjoyed reading this piece and it has lots of potential- I sincerely hope you continue writing!
9/9/2013 c1 me
5/22/2013 c2 Pat
Great story, I'm enjoying it so far
looking forward to finish the story
Great story, I'm enjoying it so far
looking forward to finish the story
2/8/2013 c1 wwowowow
hi this is wawr
hi this is wawr
4/18/2010 c2 maria
Great story...did you ever finish it?
Great story...did you ever finish it?
2/16/2008 c2 Haylee
it is very good! plz update soon! i want to know more...
it is very good! plz update soon! i want to know more...
5/22/2005 c2
6Toni Berthelette
wow, this is very good! I really like stories like this-you know, like diary types. I think that they are very interesting. And it's cool, because I'm Italian, so it's kinda like what my great-grandparents went through. I was actually thinking of writing something like this-an immigrant coming to America story-after I finish the story I'm writing now. You have a very nice style and it's very realistic. =)

wow, this is very good! I really like stories like this-you know, like diary types. I think that they are very interesting. And it's cool, because I'm Italian, so it's kinda like what my great-grandparents went through. I was actually thinking of writing something like this-an immigrant coming to America story-after I finish the story I'm writing now. You have a very nice style and it's very realistic. =)
3/15/2005 c2 An-Author-At-Heart
Wow, another great chapter. You wrote in the author's note that the conversations between Bianca and Cristin and anyone else are in italian, but in the chapter they're written in english. Did you mean that the english represents the italian? Sorry, but fopr some reason I thought that you'd actually put italian conversations. But don't worry, everything's clear, I knew right away that they were speaking italian. If you want to create more of an Italian atmosphere, a suggestion is to include a few fragments of their conversation in italian, like buongiorno, come sta, grazie, prego, and if you write the italian right next to it you can put what it is in english. For example,' "Buongiorno, good morning," she said. ' Goodness, I've blabbed on too much!
ANyway, the 2nd chapter was great and I'm looking forward to the next one.
Wow, another great chapter. You wrote in the author's note that the conversations between Bianca and Cristin and anyone else are in italian, but in the chapter they're written in english. Did you mean that the english represents the italian? Sorry, but fopr some reason I thought that you'd actually put italian conversations. But don't worry, everything's clear, I knew right away that they were speaking italian. If you want to create more of an Italian atmosphere, a suggestion is to include a few fragments of their conversation in italian, like buongiorno, come sta, grazie, prego, and if you write the italian right next to it you can put what it is in english. For example,' "Buongiorno, good morning," she said. ' Goodness, I've blabbed on too much!
ANyway, the 2nd chapter was great and I'm looking forward to the next one.
3/15/2005 c1 An-Author-At-Heart
Wow, this is SO good! The struggle of immigrants coming to another country is always a dramatic yet sad story, and I'm glad you decided to write about this. Many people, including me, are descendants of these immigrants who gave up so much to start anew. I've studied about this era that you're writing about, the immigration wave in the early 1900's. I'm excitec to read the rest. So far the plot's very good, and it's well-written! Good job, keep it up! Oh, and thanks for the review!
Wow, this is SO good! The struggle of immigrants coming to another country is always a dramatic yet sad story, and I'm glad you decided to write about this. Many people, including me, are descendants of these immigrants who gave up so much to start anew. I've studied about this era that you're writing about, the immigration wave in the early 1900's. I'm excitec to read the rest. So far the plot's very good, and it's well-written! Good job, keep it up! Oh, and thanks for the review!
2/27/2005 c2
28Wings As Eagles
Actually, I wasn't confused at all. I thought the fact that Cristina, Bianca, etc are speaking in Italian whereas everyone else is speaking English as of yet is pretty clear...via references to an interpretor, another tongue, etc, several times. :) I really like your plot so far and the way you tell the story through Cristina's journal is very nice. Keep it up! :)

Actually, I wasn't confused at all. I thought the fact that Cristina, Bianca, etc are speaking in Italian whereas everyone else is speaking English as of yet is pretty clear...via references to an interpretor, another tongue, etc, several times. :) I really like your plot so far and the way you tell the story through Cristina's journal is very nice. Keep it up! :)
2/25/2005 c2
1Whistling Gypsy Rover
I enjoyed the second chapter. I enjoy your descriptions, particularly. It isn't characteristic of a journal to have a lot of description of people and places; my very own journal has such descriptions, and it's pleasant to see I'm not alone, even if my companion in descriptive journals is a fictional character. :)
Two things I noticed... you used the word 'okay' several times throughout this chapter, which doesn't seem to fit into an early 20th-century story. The second thing was the spelling of 'God' with a lower-case 'g.' Properly it is spelled with an upper-case G, and especially in an Italian's journal, who might very well be a Catholic, or at least have grown up in a Catholic enviroment.
I look forward to another chapter.

I enjoyed the second chapter. I enjoy your descriptions, particularly. It isn't characteristic of a journal to have a lot of description of people and places; my very own journal has such descriptions, and it's pleasant to see I'm not alone, even if my companion in descriptive journals is a fictional character. :)
Two things I noticed... you used the word 'okay' several times throughout this chapter, which doesn't seem to fit into an early 20th-century story. The second thing was the spelling of 'God' with a lower-case 'g.' Properly it is spelled with an upper-case G, and especially in an Italian's journal, who might very well be a Catholic, or at least have grown up in a Catholic enviroment.
I look forward to another chapter.
2/24/2005 c2
good chapter. i am looking forward to perhaps another man that interferes with Cristina and her fiancee, and i am also looking forward to any other plot you might hook me up with. :) update soon!

good chapter. i am looking forward to perhaps another man that interferes with Cristina and her fiancee, and i am also looking forward to any other plot you might hook me up with. :) update soon!
2/23/2005 c2 kayttea
this was great! i've read a lot of books where the character is really speaking in a different language.
anyway this is the best! i can't wait to read the rest i really like stories like this. so update soon!
your friend kashe
this was great! i've read a lot of books where the character is really speaking in a different language.
anyway this is the best! i can't wait to read the rest i really like stories like this. so update soon!
your friend kashe