Just In
for Life's Road

3/3/2005 c1 163Frosted Midnight
oh this is good , I can relate , reviewing...this is getting to be a pattern , sign pn aol and we can chat , not that I am not liking the reviews , tehe
2/23/2005 c1 16Wing Chant
Wow, your poem indicates a good point. When your young, you have yet to set off on the road of life, and when your an adult, you've already made all your choices in life good or bad, and thus, you can't turn back. o.O Good job! PEOPLE CAN RELATE!*stands up and applauds*

loserz. ;)
2/21/2005 c1 kayttea
that twas awesome! keep on writting and email me again when you get the chance k? later!



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