Just In
for Regret

3/21/2005 c1 264boy that you loved
it's well presented and well written, i like it.

good poem.

'aptmyn, aptmyd, aptmyae, batditwwshfh'
3/3/2005 c1 163Frosted Midnight
very good , reviews are definatly fun ..tehe
3/3/2005 c1 156ShadowPharoh
very true. nice poem, and thanks for the review!

2/23/2005 c1 16Wing Chant
Gah, why does the adult life sound so difficult to endure? =( Why can't we be young forever! Wait, I know. Because then we'd be so damn bored we'd be bouncing off the walls! =) That would really suck. =( *sigh* Alas, our days are numbered as children. *sob* *sob* ='(
2/21/2005 c1 kayttea
this was sort of like your other one. but i still like it! maybe we'll get some of the things we expect...er...maybe...ya.. o.0

this was really good. keep writing! talk to you later.


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