Just In
for Poems, For my Father

8/30/2010 c11 1inamamagic
These made me cry, because I can actually relate to them. They're very powerful. You're able to get the picture and the meaning out without going on for too long. They're really good.
3/27/2010 c1 2Professoress
Very heartfelt. I really like these.
2/27/2010 c11 JustPlainJane
Oh wow... Umm, I don't know where to start...

Beautiful. It was very beautiful and also very beautifully written.

Touching and it also made me cry.

Just amazing. I really like the way you write. I've also read (a long time ago) your story "Honourshill" (which is one of my favourites here)... Loved it! :)

Great job.

Take care.
4/13/2009 c11 unsociable

although it's not something everyone relate to necessarily, i'm sure anyone who reads this will be impacted by the raw emotion in each of these poems.

loved it.


3/14/2009 c1 1Maybreakmyheart
good poem... so sad tho
8/6/2008 c2 Heise
This is beautiful.

Something that wasn't in the world before, created in the midst of pain. That's what makes it most beautiful.

I'm so sorry for your loss, and I feel like the shittiest person on Earth for saying this, but at least one beautiful little something gave birth from your father's death.

I will remember this particular poem, because I have two aging grandparents by my side right now, and no doubt I will feel the same.

It's hard to explain things to people that don't understand, I'm sure. But you did a really good job on your poems, and I'm glad you wrote them for us to read.
5/25/2008 c2 Ira
I was in tears when I read It's Amazing. I lost my father too to cancer about 9 months ago.

All my feelings were in your poem. So true. It's amazing how you did that. Thank you, thank you, thank you...
3/11/2008 c2 TouchtheFlame
Amazing writing. Your poems are filled with that raw emotion. I teared up just reading the first few stanzas. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for your loss and that I can empathize; I, too, have lost someone close to me.
1/30/2008 c11 3Katie Valentine
you write ever so beautifully, and i can really feel goosebumps rising up my skin and i can't stop the tears from flowing down my cheeks. you write so well that i can feel your pain, your loss, your sorrow and melancholy. and i do think you are strong. :]
1/18/2008 c2 2Jahnvi.Bornagain
It's amazing how you've probably managed to put the emotions and thoughts running in almost everyone's minds who have lost or a losing a parent to something cruel.

I am too, and I appreciate what you've written, and want you to know you've helped me get closer to my dad again. I'd been pulling myself away for a while because I didn't want to hurt so much, but that's silly. I love him too much.

I'm going to go cuddle by him now =)
10/10/2007 c2 asdf
i keep checking back to your site for updates for honourshill and i wont lie lol, i was pretty upset when i saw you decided to write something else and not update

so then i started reading.

and wow i jst cant stop crying XD

its so sad. i mean, every time i read something/a poem i feel so lucky that i still have my dad. and mom. and it must be so sad to lose any one of them. i dont really understand the 'im sorry' deal but thats all i can think to say. im so so sorry for your loss.

its a pain i dont want to ever face. :(

(i love your writings btw. in case i havent mentioned it a bajillion times XD)
10/7/2007 c11 19jekodama
"Then it’s Christmas, suddenly, again,

your favourite holiday,

and I try not to think about what gifts you would have wanted,

because buying them would mean delivering them to a grave,

and even Santa doesn’t make that trip."

I couldn't help but cry at this.

I won't tell you how sorry I am for your loss because it's meaningless, and it won't help at all. I will say that (and I'm sure you already know it) the pain won't disappear, but you'll get used to that void in your heart. How I wish none of us had to go through this. Kids should not endure this kind of pain, we shouldn't have to lose our parents, not when we are growning up, when we need them the most.

I can't say anymore right now.
8/29/2007 c8 1DrenchedinWine
I'm so sorry about your dad. Your poems really are moving and beautiful in their honesty. My mom has cancer too now and has maybe a year to live. I sympathize with you and the strong emotions in your poems. Take care, and best wishes.
8/14/2007 c10 2The Shadows' Sunrise
all of the poems are beauiful. I lost my grandmother to brain cancer last year, and even though they might not of been as close to me as my father i have to say that I know what at least some of the pain feels like. If i lost my father I wouldn't know what to do, i have his nose too. My other two grandparents went before her, but saddly only by a month. Thank you for putting down words I know I could never get right.

shadows' sunrise
5/28/2007 c10 anne

I've read your works before. Your older stuff (which, I'm sorry to say, I can't remember at the present moment) was my first experience with you, which was fun and light and what I was looking for. When you began Honourshill, I was hestitant to like it, but I grew to love your characters very deeply.

In the midst of your writing it, however, I myself had a personal tragedy. I lost my father after fours years of cancer. This was about two months ago. And as summer is once again upon us, I have returned home to rest and relax and grieve.

This is all to say: I stumbled once again upon Honourshill with a new perspective on Ayah and her life. And it really made an impact on me. I then went and read these poems you wrote, for your father. In this one in particular, Being Without You, I felt and feel exactly what you have written. It startled me to read things I had thought and said and cried in this page, in your poem.

In Hurt, Ache, Wane, you write of carrying Vaseline with you everywhere. All I can do is think of my purse, car, bedside table, and of the many black tubes of Chapstick I have left. And that impossible need to conceal this pain, this suffering...constantly invades my mind.

I could do this will all your poems. They all conveyed this pain we share.

So, in conclusion, I would like to say how brave and strong this is, revealing your grief to anyone who would look. And I'd like to thank you for posting these poems. I'm in a horrible place now. And I feel more lonely and despairing all the time. But knowing of you and reading your poems and your stories...it does a lot of good. Thank you, for that, and for all that you've done.

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