Just In
for Nameless Woman's World

11/15/2017 c3 3babyhichews
a collab with Sarah J. Maas?! holy crap that's amazing. i love her writing.
12/19/2016 c1 3waifwraithwolf
Wow. This completely blows me away. Not only of this setting you so clearly paint, of a world where women reign supreme, but how you introduce the conflict of the story almost right away: Equality. What would happen if women fell to the level of slaves, or the slaves rose to the level of women? Very interesting - I wish I could read the rest of it on here, but of course all the best stories are taken down for publication. :(
3/1/2015 c3 12Jo Rene
Did you publish this? Its been years since I have been able to finish this.
8/4/2014 c1 80
wow...just wow...
i am so going to pull an all-nighter _
4/3/2013 c3 Dominique Diane
Oh god, you have an amazing idea! Please put the next chapters, I need them! :) I'm waiting for it to be published!
3/28/2013 c3 Peacock Slayer
Dear Savannah,

Why are you not selling Antebellum already?! You can only keep us in suspense for so long! Also, I will come by and check out Pub (lishing) Crawl, but only because I want to, not because you asked me!
7/8/2012 c2 daresa09
This is so interesting , I really wish I could read all of it . Hopefully you'll be able to get it published soon do I can buy it and see what's become of The Poetess and Number Twenty-Three .
1/1/2012 c3 Therese
Dear Savannah,

YOU ROCK :). Every year or so I 've been checking upon your Antebellum story. I thought that it had already been prepared in e-book, paperback, or hardcover. Keep on a goin'! It'll be there eventually. And I will be there to purchase it. Can't wait!

-Therese Q.
12/28/2010 c2 1freak-joy-spastic
Pleas, please, please, let me know when any of your stories get published. I will have them purchased in short order, because I've loved what I've read and I can't help but want more. Much anime love and support ~bye bye~
4/10/2010 c2 S.K.Walker
I imagined that this story would be a great one, and in one chapter it has exceeded my already high expectations. Well done Savannah :)
2/21/2010 c3 kingdomfantasyanime453
I loved the sample XD

i hope you update this page when you do get published..so i cant wait XD

Did you try authonomy yet? it might help :D
1/24/2010 c2 MelodieCC
wow... this is beautiful! i find this story intriguing; the whole concept of female domination is...refreshing. i can't wait till this novel gets published. though i have to say that i find the way the male population were treated quite uncomfortable and unjust. i really like how the plot is original; something that is hard to find among the countless cliches. :)
11/6/2009 c3 4Rio's Desire
Copy 'N Paste Review:

Dear Savannah,

Why are you not selling Antebellum already? You can only keep us in suspense for so long! Also, I will come by and check out Let The Words Flow, but only because I want to, not because you asked me!
11/3/2009 c2 3the Seven of Hearts
All I can say is 'I will die if I don't get to see this story end'. Seriously!
11/2/2009 c3 Unknown
Dear Savannah,

Why are you not selling Antebellum already? You can only keep us in suspense for so long! Also, I will come by and check out Let The Words Flow, but only because I want to, not because you asked me!

-Reviewer X
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