Just In
for Confused

4/22/2005 c1 Eleusis
This is true, so very true. Trying to change is hard. Every time I try, I guess I just inevitably hgive up. I know how you feel, and don't worry you aren't the only one who feels this way, but you are the only one one who can change it. Goodluck, and keep writing. Celtic-sprite
4/22/2005 c1 PuzzledThinker
I cant tell you how many times I have been so super confused. I set a goal though. As crazy as it is I want to go to egypt. Woo GO GOALS!ERM..LOL good poem!
3/3/2005 c1 163Frosted Midnight
oh so good , reviews are fun yes ..
3/3/2005 c1 82Embyr Black
i sure know how that feels. and it totally suxs not knowing.
2/27/2005 c1 3Crazy Biene
aw im so sorry! I would love to say "you're not the only one", but I alraedy got everything planned...^^? sorry! gr8 poem though!
2/23/2005 c1 16Wing Chant
I love the way you write. It's so honest! *cuddles your poems* ^_^ Like the other ones of I've reviewed, I can relate to this one as well! OMG! I mean, who doesn't feel confused about life in general? Like come on people! =) Lol. Ha, ha. That sounded 'Valley Girlish' yep. I dunno if that's even a word. *blinks* Okay then...I'm strange...Tee, hee. ^_^

I'm adding you to my favorites because you rock! =D


loserz. ;)
2/23/2005 c1 17Miss Megan
Wow I'm sure we all can relate to this one. Good job! -Meg
2/23/2005 c1 kayttea
WOW. wow! that is exactly how i feel. you should watch the dead poets society. that movie tis so sad. but the teacher like encurages his students to be themselves and stuff...o.0...anyway this is a great poem i feel like that a lot. keep writing!

ur friend kashe
2/22/2005 c1 10Whytefox
i think that everyone can relate to this poem at one point or another, its good, it makes me feel.

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