Just In
for Silver Tears

8/2/2005 c5 5Chlover
Well I've read more, and I'm really enjoying this. Jasmine's sweet to do that for her brother, but hell, if my brother was on his death bed and I could do something, I sure would as well! Good job. You made this story quite interesting. I will read the rest next time I have the chance.

8/2/2005 c2 Chlover
LOL! I love your story so far. At first I was intrigued because M/M fictions seem to be impossible to find on fictionpress' fantasy section. Then when I started reading I was intrigued by Silver. Not because of the typical reasons, but I've got a character a lot like him, only older. It's so weird, and yet so cool. I've got to go read more now.

7/12/2005 c16 Widom
*dances around gleefully* Geesh, it's about time. Die Nyx die! *violence* Right. Anyway...I liked this chapter. I like how Silver can't get drunk, and how you did the countdown, with little notes after some of the seconds. That probably didn't make much sense, but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. :)

Can't wait till next chapter.
7/6/2005 c15 Widom
You ARE stalling. :) Er, but it's okay...I am stalling in general, by submitting mass amounts of reviews instead of updating my own stories. Ops. :) Oh well. It's a nice little mini-chapter anyways.
7/5/2005 c14 Widom
*happy dance* I'm always happy when a story that I thought was tragically over suddenly has a new chapter. Aw, Silver smiled...I'm glad. Gabriel (which, if I forgot to mention, I have some weird fascination with that name) will be good for him, I can tell. Stupid Nyx. He's got to die.
7/1/2005 c13 Widom
Cursing their cursed hids...ha. This shouldn't be the end, really, but then you are the author. It seems like it needs a sequel to me, but then, I have problems with letting characters go. Bad habit.
7/1/2005 c12 Widom
Damn it! You thrive on killing off main characters, don't you? *grumble, grumble* Oh well...
7/1/2005 c11 Widom
Yes, I know this part. I've read it before...but I had forgotten. *for shame*
7/1/2005 c10 Widom
I'm looking, I'm looking. :)
7/1/2005 c9 Widom
You are so flippin' awesome. :)
7/1/2005 c8 Widom
*cries* Now, that was tragic. But I suppose it had to happen, otherwise there would be no part two.

So...many...reviews...submitted...I can't go on.
7/1/2005 c7 Widom
Ha ha...shocking, yes. I would have been thrilled had I gotten to see something like that, personally, but eh, people who haven't read and loved your stories would probably be shocked. *runs off to r/r next chapter*
7/1/2005 c6 Widom
LEMON! *twitch* Oh my god...I didn't know you could write like that either. I'm not surprised, really, just...damn.
7/1/2005 c5 Widom
Beautiful...I was worried for a moment. I'm so glad you didn't just leave it hanging there like I...tend...to...do... *shifty eyes* Er, never mind.
7/1/2005 c4 Widom
Oh, you're so mysterious. But, ha, the story is already finished! I will know! Hahaha *manical cackling*
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