Just In
for Through The Veil

11/16/2007 c22 yayawhynot89
more please? :)
8/21/2006 c22 Eva Lilac
Wow. Really. I really like this story, I do. It's nice how you switch POVs to show what other characters think. Keep up the good work!
4/15/2006 c22 Racchel
I love this story. But, it seems as though you havent updated in a year? Please contine it...I have read time travel fiction and most are dumb. This one is actually a good read.
2/25/2006 c22 Lynn
So sad to see that this story has not been updated in a long time! You are a great storyteller with some fascinating plotlines! It's a very original take, too, on time travel. I had to laugh at the thought of Macey climbing in pink sequin flipflops-that would be pretty uncomfortable! And there are so many secrets in this story to keep the reader intrigued, and they unfold at a great pace. Hope you may consider continuing this!
12/15/2005 c22 ReiJ
read all the chapters in one night...very well written and full of suspense to keep the reader hanging...please update soon.^^
10/25/2005 c22 starrywitch
come on just finish the story, i am dying of suspense and it has meen 5 months since the last chapter!
10/20/2005 c22 AmorinaCanta
Very Good story. Please update soon.
8/31/2005 c22 4Wisher
Oo, oo, this is REALLY INTERESTING!I love Time travel stories, really, I do. Anyway. Just wondering . . . are you completely certain that all your information about 'Indian Braves' and the like is correct? Cos, I don't mean to be all high and mighty and act as though I know what I'm talking about, because I don't, but . . . Aren't you kinda stereotyping with the whole they all have Mohawks? Or something?Agh, I don't know. Ignore me. I mean no offense. And I truly love this story, it is awesome!Bye,Wisher
6/17/2005 c22 11Treg
please update soon. i like this story. please update. or i will kick your ass! lol jk, jk.
5/25/2005 c22 T A Stewart
Iliked this. I don't like Christa, but I feel sorry for Macey with that Blaire. Are Billy and Chandra gonna get together. I hope so. Please update.PeaceTanika
5/23/2005 c22 1floozie in the jacuzzi
I don't really like anything sci-fi or supernatural, but this story ROCKS.

Update soon. =)
5/23/2005 c22 10JojoAnn
"This is wonderful." Lauren, the coolest girl reading the story said. Hahaha. It's great and much more exciting.
5/23/2005 c1 5GhostSmilez
i just thought id say i
5/5/2005 c3 17Miss Megan
This story's awesome! It took me forever to decide which of your stories to read because they all looked so good (my limit lately has been 1 story per author until i finish one otherwise i get confused lol) but anyway im rambling good story i like it a lot! I don't like Christa tho she needs to like..be nicer. lol.
4/12/2005 c20 Mignette
I love your story and I can't wait to see what happens to Billy! Update soon!
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