Just In
for Your Own Disaster

10/27/2008 c1 2codyismypup
Holy...crap. That was amazing. So angsty and beautiful and angry. I loved the many one liners in it, the simple yet complex words that had me flinching in pain along with you. I can almost see this girl flipping through the pictures and shaking her head, scoffing with bitterness. Some parts were a bit confusing, and I don't know what you mean by TBS.

But wow, amazing. Great job.
6/8/2008 c1 HonestIntentions
i stumbled upon your story and i loved it. Especialy since TBS is one of my favorite bands.
3/9/2006 c1 2scissor.hands.make.it.fun

thats amazing, it's so well written, and strikes a chord with me...

so good. =]

from me x

ps: thankyou so much for all the dominoes reviews.
11/18/2005 c1 Shaina
11/13/2005 c1 artsyvee
Wow, this is amazing. The emotion was described very well... as I was reading I found myself relating to the narrator and what she was going through, like the feeling was familiar. And you also did a great job at incorporating the song (which, by the way, happens to be my favorite TBS song at the moment.) and were able to use it effectively as part of the story but not the entire substance... if that makes sense. I think what I loved most was that this seemed so REAL.

Wow, I didn't mean for this review to end up being so long... anyways, great job.

3/6/2005 c1 38Perfect Bliss
Absolutely Brilliant! I love this piece of work... or should I say art? I LOVE the way you write, you really touch sensible fibers in me when I read this. The song is amazing, and so sad, and it fits perfectly to your story. Congratulations for another great piece.
3/1/2005 c1 23Nut
nice. i liked this a lot. your ending line "You left me in the ruins of my own disaster" gives a great impact and finishes the story nicely. good work!
2/27/2005 c1 2Katie Jean
Wow, I really like it. It MIGHT be a little bit long but I dunno, it works fine with as long as it did. I can tell you poured a lot of emotion out in it because thats pretty much all it is, emotion, flat out and pure and I find that awesome. Are you going to do more with this? I'm curious to see where you'll take it. Beautifully written though, great job.
2/26/2005 c1 15Sad Songs Remind Me
It's 2:21 in the morning right now. And I just got back from taste of chaos. And I don't know what posessed me to turn on my computer and check my e-mail, but I just felt like I would have something I needed and wanted to read. So I see an update, from you, for a story called Your Own Disaster. And I'm all excited 1) because it totally may be that song fic that I've been wanting to read for a while 2) It's probably my favorite TBS song right now. and 3) because it's from you. So I click on it (this is turning into a story..hahaha), and I see this awesome dedication TO ME. And I get all excited and flattered that you'd dedicate it to me. Thank you, seriously. So I read it once, and then I read it again, and then again. And each time I read it, I see more that I like- more emotion, honesty, talent. It's the simple things that make this great- the fact that the narrator can't change the guy that she cares about, the fact that he has a drug problem, the fact that she got sucked into his world and slowly fell apart until she had enough courage to get herself out of his presence. Sometimes writers try to make their character's lives easy. But I don't see you doing that. You're willing to step away from that perfect image, to create something real and believable that may not have a happy ending. And I'm such a sucker for a non-happy ending. I like suffering. I like realization. I like rawness. And you have that. And it's fucking amazing how you captured that, without being too overbearing or bitter. It's just an ending. It's over. It's done. The narrator can move on. Fucking awesome job. I think it's a completely amazing piece and I definitely think it's a hit. Thank you for not only dedicating it to me, but for writing that song fic I've been craving for weeks. I heart you.
2/26/2005 c1 5aiur
it's a hit, for sure. anything written in this style is pretty much a hit for me. unless the writer totally warps the song or tries to write TO the lyrics instead of using them to emphasize what they've already written. you know what i'm saying? here you definitely had what you wanted to say, what you were trying to say, and the song just enhances it. or inspired it. or whatever the story is behind it. and i think this kind of thing is always hard to write. but you did a great job. i loved the emotion, loved how there WAS a tie to the lyrics but not a dependency, loved the style. nicely done girl =)

2/26/2005 c1 8lydia is pretty

That was so missing being a miss (meaning it was a hit. because, apparently, i like to put things as confusingly as possible).

It was beautiful. And the descriptions were real and alive. And just well written. Like him snoring so loud.

Just all of it was so wonderful.And perfect. (spot on)

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