6/21/2005 c1 37negligible fictional force
LOVE YOUR FORMAT, GIRLFRIEND. decidedly spiffy and much more besides. -wallflower.
LOVE YOUR FORMAT, GIRLFRIEND. decidedly spiffy and much more besides. -wallflower.
5/19/2005 c1 30a e i o u and sometimes y
wow, i haven't reviewed anyone on this site in over 5 months. you should feel pretty special =) haha. i really liked this. the formating fit so well, and it's unique. definitely a lot different then what i've seen. keep writing, you've got talent. peace prosperity and pineapples.
wow, i haven't reviewed anyone on this site in over 5 months. you should feel pretty special =) haha. i really liked this. the formating fit so well, and it's unique. definitely a lot different then what i've seen. keep writing, you've got talent. peace prosperity and pineapples.
4/29/2005 c1 94smile persephone
I love this formatting! It fits amazingly well. It's abstract and so out-there at many places (that's what makes it so beautiful). Lovely, lovely.
I love this formatting! It fits amazingly well. It's abstract and so out-there at many places (that's what makes it so beautiful). Lovely, lovely.
2/28/2005 c1 42and flowers
hm... odd format. it reminds me of something like a robot, with my eyes darting to the next lines and back up again to realize what you wrote, and what i just read. i think i like it, because it covers the uncertainty and unhappy happiness that it's supposed to. i enjoyed it.
hm... odd format. it reminds me of something like a robot, with my eyes darting to the next lines and back up again to realize what you wrote, and what i just read. i think i like it, because it covers the uncertainty and unhappy happiness that it's supposed to. i enjoyed it.