Just In
for The Great Wall

9/13/2005 c1 109ADSpencer
Beautiful style. Nicely written.
6/6/2005 c1 24Sarah-Brighteyes
o very nice piece about one of the places I hope to visit someday. Its one my list of places to travel to...very beautiful way with description.
4/22/2005 c1 PuzzledThinker
I dont know what to say but from the stuff i have been reading so far of yours this one is so good!You can certainly make alot of poems...LOL and all of em' are good
4/22/2005 c1 187THROUGHTHESEEYES
Good description. I visited it 4 years ago. I thought it was quite a feat the way it followed the mountains- up and down on the ridges. The highlights you bring out are unforgettable.
4/19/2005 c1 25La Velvetine
O, is the past referring to the Mongol invasions? I have the feeling it is more generic, though. Anyways, I like your poem to China's antiquity.
3/31/2005 c1 Simply Stupid
Good descriptions, like the ending. Thankyou very much for your review.x
3/28/2005 c1 3Crazy Biene
Are u chinese? Cz if u are tht is realyl cool! Very visual and has a nice flow.
3/20/2005 c1 76Karma Chameleon
wow... it is very... Visual. I really like it. This is a great poem. Very nice job! ~Karma Chameleon
3/19/2005 c1 83Adonia Chesser
A great way to speak of history, I liked it very much.
3/7/2005 c1 kashekay
hi its me! this is really really good. you really got me thinking about how old the great wall is and how many people HAVe actually walked there. great poem i really love it. have you ever been there btw? well i'll talk to you later! keep on writing! TEE TEE EF IN! (insert a lot of ! here. :-P)

3/7/2005 c1 132mizu no kokoro
wow, such a nice poem on the Great Wall^^ I want to visit there now~

Great work!

keep writing!
3/6/2005 c1 163Frosted Midnight
*eyes turn back and forth and back and forth* oh sorry , just watching our reviews...great poem , yay for the great wall of china

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