Just In
for Art of Political Incorrectness: Smoking

12/10/2006 c1 22Kohlomere
I can see the whole paranoia business and don't give a flying rat's rear if people of any age smoke. I just don't want to smoke particularly close to me. But that was a great way to end your essay. Good job, E.
8/13/2006 c1 24xLilyx
As convincing as it is I'm inclined to disagree.Have you sat in the old smokers ward in Antrim hospital, any hospital? The beds are packed with people coughing their lungs up while trying to breathe with oxygen masks. Almost every one of them will tell you they wished they hadn't smoked. Do agree with you on the advert thing though, they're pointless,if people want to smoke they will, you have to give them a good reason not to first. I don't know about the U.S but in the uk they have ad's displaying the insideof someones lungs, not nice, it's enough to stop me. Well that and my mum. lol Good essay all the same.
7/25/2006 c1 14alluring lies
you made some very good points. But hey I'll always be a non- smoker. I hate it when people shove things down your throat religion was always the big thing that i saw. I really didn't think of the anti-drug peeps that way. Now i have something to ponder. always this is good. Keep 'em coming!
7/8/2006 c1 9SapphireIris
Wow, I'm just on a reviewing spree today... anyway, this is another well-thought-out piece. It does sound a little paranoid, but that's overshadowed by the fact that most of your points were dead on. My opinion ('cause I love to share it) is that people have to make their own mistakes, and if they didn't want to smoke cigarettes, they'd quit. Does that sound right?

5/12/2006 c1 Darket
Well, I agree with this. There are lots of killer products. But as for my essay, I take it you've never smoked it.

So you know what, I wouldn't listen to what the tube would say. A lot of the stuff I said was true.

I think it should be legal. It would help. Ending crime would be nice for once.

So to disagree with some things, I understand, but to disagree with everything and think it would be nice to have people run around and kill each other because they make money off it, I think that's sad.

So ask yourself, would you prefer people being drunk and wanting to get up off the couch and drive- OR! Would you prefer somebody to be high and just sit around for a few hours in front of the tube?

When people are high, they don't yell, "Let's rob a fucking bank!" They're more like, "Hey let's watch some TV."

My friend Kyle got shitfaced and decided it would be fun to go steal beer. He got sent off. He was better off on pot.

Prohibition didn't work the first time. What makes you think it's going to work now?

I am sober now, so I'm sure you'd be able to understand this. So answer my question and come on back.


7/5/2005 c1 6Toni Berthelette
this was...interesting? I don't see how you don't care at all about cancer.

"Only about 1 in 50,0 develop it. So that means that 23 out of 50,0 smokers will develop lung cancer."

You say that those 23 deaths aren't anything? Well, to the child who lost their parent, parent who lost their child, person who lost their sibling or friend, that death was something. Just because on a statisical view, 23 out of 50,0 isn't a lot, doesn't mean that it isn't a lot-because 23 deaths ARE a lot.

This was a very well written essay, I just can't make sense out of your feelings about smoking. And you won't die happy of lung cancer, because if you have cancer, you SUFFER.

5/31/2005 c1 11fantasywriter22
This was...very interesting. I liked it. You say that some of it isn't true? You totally convinced me! You should be some sort of newspaper writer. I would read a newspaper with your type of wrting in it. That'll probably be the only way for me to read one. Keep at it! I liked it.
4/28/2005 c1 2chitoryu12
Go smoke with TheBigCheese, you moron. And in the commercial you mentioned at the beginning, they meant a product that kills just from using it often, not one that can be used to kill by hitting someone with it or kills in accidents.
3/28/2005 c1 48Luna-Faye
You are very convincing. Although I don't believe you you made a few good points and your style really helps making everyone believe what you said is the truth. I found it really funny as well and I have just one question: How is an refridgerator able to kill you? Sure the food in it could be rotten but this is not the refridgerators fault.

Anyway have a nice day and keep up the good work!

3/26/2005 c1 chitoryu12
My god, you have a mind like that one cheese dude on this site. i forgot his name.
3/21/2005 c1 1Formerly
3/20/2005 c1 4John Stein PhD
Warning: No matter how many fact you present, anti-smokers (proponents of 'truth') won't stop their relentless babble.
3/20/2005 c1 Rach
HI!. how is smoking healther then not smoking. I mean they harming themselves and others (which is very worrying for me as my mum smokes and me and my brother have ashma) and another thing it sinks I remember having to wash my hands at school because I can smell it on me.

anyway good work on the essay

see ya
3/19/2005 c1 8gangster-dolly
HA! *Slaps author in the face*. Don't get me wrong, this is a good essay. Though your naivity sickens me.

Smoking is responsible for 87 percent of lung cancers and also causes most cases of emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

Nicotine is as highly addictive as heroin and cocaine.

Approximately 80 percent of adult smokers started smoking before age 18.

The benefits of quitting smoking begin to occur within 20 minutes of the last cigarette smoked.

Secondhand smoke (or passive smoking) is known to cause cancer and is responsible for approximately 3,0 lung cancer deaths in nonsmokers each year.

I almost lost my father because he smokes, and might I add, still does. Do you want people to DIE? We're killing OURSELVES. Wouldn't it be a little less embarrassing for the human race to die to some uncurable disease and not to something we created ourself?

3/19/2005 c1 1angel24
First, Congratulations for this was a refreshing oped which really did say another POV, something that is so rarely heard.

You did back the essay with facts that add to the argument though you were really off with your comparisons ("Computers/cellphones/televisions/microwaves " ? - My, My, I didn't know sitting in the computer will cause 23 out of 50 people to die)

You failed to write one main argument against smokers - They do really have the cigarette smoke around them and stink- therefore having less friends around themselves.

Cigarette smokers stink - That is a pretty good argument for me.

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