Just In
for Behind the Mask

8/21/2006 c12 Cat
I love it!..It reminded me of what I went through.
2/12/2006 c12 5Dustbunnys13
I enjoyed this story too!
7/9/2005 c12 1jULzEyy
i lervs it! hahahaha i'm glad you didn't make Kris die. hahahaha anyway, keep writing more stories ha!:D lylas!:)
7/8/2005 c8 jULzEyy
hey cris! i lervs it! i'll put another review when i finish the whole thing:D and btw... in my mind Tom's so f'n hot. hahaha!:D lylas!:D
4/17/2005 c12 1Gal From Oregon
I enjoyed this book very much and i believe that you are a talented writer.

4/15/2005 c12 13cRavingsAniTy
okay, butch, this is your 199th or something review... it's cool, like all your other stories. congratulations, you finished it. :)
4/14/2005 c12 uusernname
Keep writing and I'll be sure to review. Mwah!
4/14/2005 c12 catleyia
200 reviews right...? muahaha... now you only need 3 more =3 YAY! CONGRATULATIONS!
4/13/2005 c12 gonnabefamous
Wow great story! Loved every minute of it.
4/12/2005 c9 kendralyn
i think your story moves much too fast to really be fair to the reader, and I also think you kinda overdid the evil parents and emotional reactions...try being a little more subtle and letting things build slowly, instead of piling the whole mountain on at once. you have a good idea here, it just needs some development. ^_^
4/12/2005 c12 7CallMeCute
good story
4/12/2005 c12 TheSilentTears
aw its over! i liked it alot GREAT ENDING! it all happend soo fast though... but oh well i still love the story keep on writting stories ! bye!
4/12/2005 c12 5Skeptic-Critic
it was good but u never said what happened in the hospital with kris and everything
4/12/2005 c12 moonlighthaterd07
OMG I LOVE YOUR STORY it was so good you should make a sequal or something like it it was so awesome and good
4/12/2005 c12 1Katsui Adonis
This was a good story, but the ending came way too fast. I'm not just saying that because I like the story, but because the ending was came too quickly in the story. It should've carried on for a little bit longer, and then be ended. Oh well. Perhaps you got bored with it?
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