Just In
for Behind the Mask

4/12/2005 c12 MURFDURF22
sorry didn't feel like signing in, but i loved this story, you finished it kind of fast actually. less than a month really, so you get points for that! so i take it tom and adrianne are together right? thats great, i like that name adrianne. Will there be a sequel, i don't know what it could be about but, will there be one? or could you have a prequel, from when Tom and Adrianne were in the hospital for cuttin themselves and their life with their parents? please? anyway if you don't answer it on fp.com then could you email me, at

Thanks, great story, loved it to pieces. hope you reach 200 reviews!
4/12/2005 c12 25raniaur
Nice. That was certainly a microwave story. Cool. UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!
4/12/2005 c12 23Nut
aw how cute! i love this story! it's so great! like really, it's awesome. great work! =)
4/12/2005 c12 8bulletproof.cupid
Aww that was sweet, but so sudden! Well great job on it =D Thanks for the really nice experience.
4/12/2005 c12 FadingDarkness
Loved it. You should make a sequel.
4/12/2005 c12 codyismypup
that story went a little fast! but it was good! -Avey
4/12/2005 c12 becxfok01
Such a happy ending! And Tom was so sweet at the end! I'm glad that they are healing at the end. Well done on completing the story. And hope you continue writing.
4/12/2005 c12 shadowgirl618
aww that was a sweet story. good job.

4/12/2005 c12 Sara Kay
Awesome. I love this story! So this is the end, right? If so, you did a great job! I hope to read some more of your work in the future! Keep up the awesome work as a writer.

*Sara Kay
4/12/2005 c12 7tickle-me-pretty15
This was really good! I hope you continue writing. Your friend,

4/12/2005 c12 topsecret32
gud job
4/12/2005 c12 26fairy-catcher
Hey! Nice story! 0ne 4 u, 4 ur 200 collection!
4/12/2005 c12 C. Regeling
I loved reading this story, very beautiful, im glad that they are healing... the story is very sweet and you did a good job in writing it.

Jorja : )
4/11/2005 c11 topsecret32
oh..poor thing.
4/10/2005 c10 3Krystal Nickle
aw! that was such a sad chapter! just one question. it is summer for you right now? where do you live? cuz in texas it is still school and we dont get out for another two months! anyways, good chapter so update again soon, k!
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