Just In
for Behind the Mask

4/10/2005 c11 topsecret32
cute ending. wat mean parents. i have 3 siblings and my parents have time for us all.
4/10/2005 c11 uusernname
Adrianne and Tom? Sweet! But don't let Kris die... Please!
4/10/2005 c11 hedwigisnotdead
finally! they actually kissed..man it took a long time! great chappie
4/9/2005 c11 23Nut
i'm crying! there are tears running down my face! ah! kris can't die! she can't!

and that is SO adorable about tom and adria. i feel so... happy! oh man, that was such a good chapter. it was insane. i wish i had a guy like tom in my life... *sniff*. well i do, but he lives two hours away, sadly.

UPDATE! NOWW! please!
4/9/2005 c11 FadingDarkness
Aww cute lol. Hope Kris will be ok though. Update soon.
4/9/2005 c11 Sara Kay
Aww, this chapter is so cute. I hope Kris is okay. Keep up the great work and update soon!

*Sara Kay
4/9/2005 c11 25raniaur
She better not...cannot die!@ UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!
4/9/2005 c10 raniaur
Whoa! Already summer for you? Lucky gal! I've still got school. :( UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!
4/9/2005 c11 3I am worth dying 4
4/9/2005 c11 becxfok01
Even though its not the prettiest place or situation, that kiss was sweet! Hee, nice chapter, but could the next chapter be longer. Pls...
4/9/2005 c11 Kira
4/8/2005 c10 C. Regeling
i like this story, its showing how being negelcted can havew effects on your children, its sad yes, but its a great story, and i really like it.

Tom seems very sweet and he seems like the right thing for Adrianne. I hope Kris is ok..

Update Soon.

Jorja : )
4/8/2005 c10 4black robin
Man! This story is insane! In a good way!
4/8/2005 c10 gonnabefamous
Yikes what is going to happen next? Keep riting this is intersting.
4/8/2005 c10 8bulletproof.cupid
Aww that's so sad... hope she'll get better soon =) Tom's doing a great job with Adria. Good work,

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