Just In
for Banana, Cherry or Clemonitine?

8/21/2007 c1 24Sarah-Brighteyes
Hm I found this almost early southern 20th centuriesh poetry... I dont know why... maybe I am reading too much lately if its possible.

I liked this... interesting and flowed to a beat in my head.I love the line, "I rounded on you lingered, pouted, and grinned stood transfixed a while maybe you didnt notice." The lengths we will go to get someone to see us... I love those little lines... its like waiting on the edge for someone to just look up and catch us doing something... anything.

Write on!
3/31/2005 c1 612simpleplan13
3/31/2005 c1 31brown crayon
Nice, i like the story and the description of feelings.

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