Just In
for The Only One

11/13/2005 c1 7Sierra Valentine
This was sad enough to make me cry. I loved it.

::adds to faves::
6/3/2005 c1 7Dolenrothiel
Aww thats so cute! I like it, you should write a longer story
5/6/2005 c1 chu

i'm reviewing this short story. life, love and relationships are different than what we see on t.v. and movies, and this story show us a little bit of this. but do not despair, because the fact is, there isn't just one person for everyone. yaay! 50 chus to u!


4/22/2005 c1 l057 1n51d3
it's amazing i love it. the emoitons an feeling bhind it were awesome.

4/10/2005 c1 52SKATENaked-BlindReaper
I feel her pain. Good story! And thanks for the reviews, I just updated Slide!
4/10/2005 c1 24alivewithlove13
this is sad. i like it though :) it makes you think. good work (again) :) keep it up.
4/5/2005 c1 Cearius Lans
Nice Sentimental Feeling... though not much critic can be said much since it appears to be a prolouge of soem sort... What I have to comment on is the fourth stanza(line...?) from the beginning "I am the only one who must and can." You could change can and must around...since it is that way on the title... (possibly more effective). Well regardless, let us see where this goes.GL
4/2/2005 c1 forget my name
Oh, I wish I didn't know how that feels. Haha. *cough* ANYWAYS. I'm not really good with words (sadly) and will just leave you with this: Your writing is awesome.. makes me want to read more. :D
4/2/2005 c1 Melissa
So sad yet so good.
4/2/2005 c1 10JojoAnn
That was unbelievably phenomenal. Undoubtedly fantastic.

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