Just In
for The Stranger In Me

5/16/2005 c1 9Morbid Maxwell
...ecks! It's like reading about myself! ...scary... But, you did a wonderful job. You're excellent at writing about yourself with such...detail? I'm not sure how to say that exactly, but I can say...I loved reading!

Um...I was wondering if you maybe took requests? I am a HUGE Edgar Allan Poe fan, and with your dark writing style, I think you'd capture writing about him perfectly. You don't have to...just curious.

Morbid Maxwell- "You sound like a boy about to have an orgasm..."
4/14/2005 c1 14D. A. Emme
I liked this one too! Keep up the good work!
4/11/2005 c1 1SomeCowgirl
Oh, I like this. When I look in the mirror at home it's like I am looking at a totally different person then when I look in the mirror at school. I act the same way around my friends that I do at home, but when it comes to a particular period (where the guy I like is in) I act totally stupid!

Agh, I hate it. Oh anyway, I do love this, it describes me (as you can see from my rant-fest, sorry)
4/11/2005 c1 70Aryanda
Describes people perfectly. I liked it.

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